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I was wondering what would be the best fit for my network, Business or Enterprise ?   I know Enerprise has some extra features but it looks like each offer about the same level of protection. I maintain two small networks with about 60 computers including servers on each, plus several smaller island networks with about 10 computers on each of them so I have about 150 total computers in locations all over town. 

How big is the price gap between the two editions ?

And, about how long does it take for someone to contact me after I've submitted my request for a custom quote ?  Is there a contact phone # ?




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Hi mikea!


The main difference between Malwarebytes Enterprise Edition (MEE) and Small Business Edition (SBE) is the central management and deployment of clients.


MEE allows you to detect and deploy Malwarebytes to your networked domain PCs.  MEE was designed for use on always connected internal networks.  However we have had some customers use VPNs with some success.  


SBE allows you to individually maintain and install local versions of Malwarebytes on any PC.  You can use command line scripts to easily configure them.


Please note that we do not currently have a version of Malwarebytes designed to protect servers.


I hope this helps.  Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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