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Help me understand a specific siteblock?

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I wanted to run a Speedtest  from Speedtest.net to a site near a server that I often use.


I chose a speedtest site hosted by Softlayer Technologies  - a well-known Internet company and in fact an IBM subsidiary.


MBAM reported the site as blocked.


2014/01/04 08:41:02 -0600 IVY Mike IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 58989, Process: chrome.exe)


What would lead to this type of issue?  I am usually very reluctant to bypass the block that MBAM puts  in place, but this one just does not seem to make much sense.


Attaching the complete log for today.


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Hello and :welcome: , Kessel75


IP blocks can indicate a number of things:

  • They could indicate that MBAM is doing its job of blocking bad content on websites, such as banner ads.  If you were able to view the webpage in question, but got an IP block while doing so, then that might be what you were seeing.
  • In some cases the blocks are a false positive.  If the page in question wouldn't load at all, then it's possible this could be a false positive.
  • However, they can also be a sign of infection, especially if the blocks are outgoing and they occur when no browsers are open.

--> There is more information about the IP blocking module in the in the Help Desk topics HERE and HERE and HERE, and in the FAQ - Section G.
They also contain instructions on how to determine what process might be trying to make the connections.
You may also research the IP in question at www.ip-lookup.net or a similar site.

On the other hand, if you think the IP blocks might be a false positive, then please read this pinned topic before starting a new topic in the Website Blocking False Positives sub-forum.

Alternatively, if you think you might be infected, based on the IP blocks and/or other suspicious computer behavior, then please read the following for the available options to have a malware expert assist you with the cleaning process Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.



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Well thank you. I read all of what you posted, and the links.


My situation does not apply to Skype or P2P. If is specific to speedtest.net. 

The connection to perform the test was blocked. Speedtest reports it as a latency issue. 


As for the process, it is reported as chrome.exce (my browser).


So yea, I'm just going to go ahead and report this as a false positive.

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