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Funbar 1.01 removal


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Could any one help me in removing funbar 1.01 from my computer as when ever I start up explorer I get an error message and if I don't catch it and close it it shuts down explorer

THe message is


Error Processing xml file:C:\Program~1\Funbar~1.01\funbarxml

error on line 0 position 0

system cannot find the object specified


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Hi Joe and welcome to Malwarebytes. Look in your Add/Remove Programs and see if you can remove the toolbar from there.

You can also get this program HiJack This! download it to a folder you create on your HD unzip it and run a scan and save the log. Close all programs and browser windows before you run the scan. Post the log in a new thread of your own here http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showforum=7 . I will be able to look at your log there and give further assistance.

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