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OMG I Need Help..

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Hi there,


I am sorry if this has already been resolved somewhere else but I have not got a clue....This is also the 1st time I have used a forum so I am also sorry if this is the incorrect place to post this plea.



I have the UTorent malware thing that adds a tab to my internet browser and cannot be changed,  Well not by me on my own at least.


Please can someone help me.  I see a post by HelenGilham and this seems to be the same thing, but I do not know where to begin to start fixing this..


I have done a few scans with some suggested tools like Adwcleaner.exe and securitycheck.exe.  That is as far as I have managed to get to no avail.


Many Thanks in advance to the kind person that helps a fool. :(



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Hello and :welcome: , JMW:

If you think you are infected, I would suggest that you please follow the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.
A malware expert will guide you through the cleanup process.


Until then, it would be advisable to wait for expert help and NOT to "self-medicate", as some of the malware removal tools are quite powerful.

Using them without expert help can cause system damage.



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