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Cannot download Malwarebytes from CNET

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I am trying to download the free version of Malwarebytes from CNET using the link on your web site.  The download is painfully slow for a while then it just stops, eg at 65%.  This happens on two different computers and on both ADSL and 3G wireless connections.  All other internet access is normal.


Is there an alternative site I can try?

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Hi, JohnA:


Where can I download the latest version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?
And (I think this list is still current, but an MBAM staffer will correct me if I am wrong):
Where can I download the latest version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware?




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You are most welcome. :)


Let us know if you run into issues with any of those links, so that the MBAM staff can look into it.






P.S. Like many others these days, I avoid CNET. Although they are explicitly prohibited from adding any wrappers or other stuff with their MBAM download, their reputation has definitely declined in recent years.  My personal preference is for bleepingcomputer (JMHO).

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As for the Yahoo! link, I got a 404 error as well.

(That list was a bit long in the tooth, so I'm not surprised.)

We'll need to wait for the MBAM staff to weigh in on that one.


This one works fine for me just now:



Perhaps it's something with your browser security settings or internet connection?

Have you tried clearing the cache/history/cookies/etc?

Have you tried another browser?

Could you possibly be infected?


Just a couple of thoughts....



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As I said, this happened on two different computers, two different internet connections.  Also happened using IE and Firefox.


However now the CNET download works fine, must have been a transient problem with CNET


But the Bleeping Computer link in your reply still fails (see attached file).  I discovered that you need a slash at the end of the URL in your link, ie http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/malwarebytes-anti-malware/, then it works fine.


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Hi, again:



Excellent detective work!


The original BC link in that "canned" list I had on file seems to lack the extra forward slash.

The separate BC link I posted here does include the extra slash, so that's probably why that one works.

(I think I obtained that URL last night by starting at the BC main site and navigating to the MBAM download link on the left side of the page.)


As for the yahoo! link, I presume that they no longer host MBAM downloads, but we'll need to wait for official confirmation on that.


I will revise my resource info accordingly.


Thanks, :)



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Thanks, WideGlide! <face palm>


I saw that page last night, but I guess I ought to have let my fingers do the walking to find out that they had pretty much shut down the whole 3rd-party software download business.


Thanks again -- I've now removed yahoo from the list of mirror sites in my resources.

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