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Regenerating Rootkits

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im new to this forum, so bear with me!

I am running Vista Home Premium and...

I have recently found a file called "dogujiji" in my ProgramData folder

its file extension just says FILE

this file regenerates, and also some other folders in my ProgramData folder regenerate.

these folders, according to Windows Defender, contain some dll's but i cant find any.

Some names of these folders are:




and other crazy names similar to them!

i have tried deleting the regkeys that come with these files but nothing seems to work!

they just keep coming back.

My research has determined that these are the cause of many 'trojans' that have appeard.

they dont seem to do direct damage to my system, but when do trojans ever do anything directly!

I have also read other posts in this forum about regenerating rootkits but couldnt understand half the jargon that went with it!

please help me to remove these regenerating files and folders

I have just downloaded MBAM but have no idea where to start with it

Again, please help ASAP,


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