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[SOLVED] Google Chrome Problem


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When trying to open google chrome (while MBAE is running of course) it crashes instantly. No browser window opens at all, but through Process Hacker it's possible to see that a chrome.exe process starts and terminates within a second. This happens also with all chrome extensions disabled. I also tried running GC with administrative privileges but still the same result. All this happens without any notifications from MBAE either from its logs tab or the general tab. In contrast, while MBAE is running Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 (both versions 32 bit & 64 bit) is running normally and shielded by MBAE. Due to the known bug of "Shielded applications counter in GENERAL tab sometimes does not show correct count" it's possible to use Process Hacker to see if IE 9 is really shielded or not. This can be investigated through the fact that mbae.dll should be loaded with iexplore.exe process (and mbae64.dll should be loaded with the 64 bit version of IE), and yes this was the situation, both IE versions were really shielded by MBAE.

The only way to run GC was either to exit MBAE or stop protection of MBAE. An interesting point was after running GC I started the protection of MBAE again, then I opened a new browser window (not a new tab), guess what happened, the Shielded applications counter in GENERAL tab showed a shielded application and in LOGS tab there's a "Google Chrome is now protected" message. Again through Process Hacker I investigated whether this message was true or not. Unfortunately GC was not protected as the module mbae.dll was not loaded (then the above message was due to the mentioned bug). I tried to manually inject mbae.dll into the chrome.exe process but it did not work. Any idea about this problem? Any help is appreciated.

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