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Yesterday, my hard disk got hit with a bitcoin miner virus (I saw this name in the task manager, my CPU just hung up everytime I started my computer). When I did end this process through the task manager, the CPU functioned normally. But the virus is still there in the hard disk which contains some important data. Would it be possible to remove that from there?

I went through older forums about this virus/malware and found that I would need to run a scan using RogueKiller. I did that according to the instructions, please find the report attached below.


Also, there is something more is wrong with my Windows after that virus attack (please see attached image, not sure if it is linked to that virus though)


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Hello and welcome, MohnishBabel: :)

Please follow the recommendations in this pinned topic: Available Assistance For Possibly Infected Computers.

A qualified helper will guide you through the cleanup process.



Hi there,

I followed the instructions given on that page and downloaded the Malwarebytes Anti-Malware software. But I'm not able to install it again due to the virus/malware in the system. Please advise further.

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Yes, the malware can sometimes block installation of security applications. :(

Just go ahead and start a new post in the malware removal section anyway >>HERE<<.

Try to include at least the DDS logs (and the Roguekiller logs you already have), if you can.

You can also reference back to this topic by including this link in your post:


The experts will have additional tools to help you get cleaned and back up and running.



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