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Getting my computer date to stop changing


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I think i can fix ur drive.

do a

START>RUN type in regedit

Here is the full how to from MICROSOFT

Step 1: Start Registry Editor

Start Registry Editor.

Step 2: Delete the UpperFilters registry entry

1. In Registry Editor, expand My Computer, and then expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

2. Expand SYSTEM, and then expand CurrentControlSet.

3. Expand Control, and then expand Class.

4. Under Class, click {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.

5. In the details pane of Registry Editor, on the right side, click UpperFilters.

Note You may also see an UpperFilters.bak registry entry. You do not have to remove that entry. Click UpperFilters only.

* If you see the UpperFilters registry entry in the details pane of Registry Editor, go to step 6.

* If you do not see the UpperFilters registry entry, you still might have to remove the LowerFilters registry entry. To do this, go to "Step 3: Delete the LowerFilters registry entry."

6. On the Edit menu, click Delete.

7. Click Yes when you receive the following message:

Are you sure you want to delete this value?

The UpperFilters registry entry is removed.

Step 3: Delete the LowerFilters registry entry

1. In the details pane of Registry Editor, on the right side, click LowerFilters.

Note You might see a LowerFilters.bak registry entry. You do not have to remove that entry. Click LowerFilters only.

If you do not see the LowerFilters registry entry, unfortunately this content is unable to help you any more. Go to the "Next Steps" section for information about how you can find more solutions or more help on the Microsoft Web site.

2. On the Edit menu, click Delete.

3. Click Yes when you receive the following message:

Are you sure you want to delete this value?

The LowerFilters registry entry is removed.

4. Exit Registry Editor.

Step 4: Restart your computer

Restart your computer. After you have done this, try to access the CD or DVD drive. If you can access the CD or DVD drive, and if you do not receive an error message, the problem is resolved. You can reinstall your CD or DVD writing or recording software.

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Its my pleasure. Its what I do for a living :rolleyes:

Im not really sure how that happens...it just does. just glad I could help you fix it :)

Wanna know what else I can do that is amazing? I can read minds....watch..


your name...is.....S......sa.a....a..s...a.a...m.a.ma...n..th SAMANTHA!! :)

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I rarely go by Samantha xP And I have yet to find myself on google so I'm set xD

It's still decided it's friday so its being good on that. And this time when I started up it was normal.

Other than still not being able to see the BIOS clock part, I think I'm good :rolleyes:

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What is this, online dating or malware removal assistance? :rolleyes:

Good call on the upper/lower filters electrobrandino.. FYI, bad burning software installing/uninstalling and various... ehm, copy protection technologies have been known to break the damn thing. Just for future knowledge if nothing else...

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What is this, online dating or malware removal assistance? :)

Good call on the upper/lower filters electrobrandino.. FYI, bad burning software installing/uninstalling and various... ehm, copy protection technologies have been known to break the damn thing. Just for future knowledge if nothing else...


ya now that makes since..the last time i fixed a pc with that issue, it had a bad roxio on it :rolleyes:

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I prefer to stay out of the registry altogether


use guided help


post log for analysis


download/install and post filter driver load order

remove problematic filters


That first link is the one I grabbed the instructions from...but u said dont edit registry....i dont understand wookie :rolleyes:


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I have probably handled more than 500 filter driver posts in 5 or 6 forums in the last several years, it's been my experience that it's best to let certain select programs do the registry editing when helping unknown users online. There's only a few programs I trust enough to let into the registry.

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What is this, online dating or malware removal assistance? :rolleyes:

Good call on the upper/lower filters electrobrandino.. FYI, bad burning software installing/uninstalling and various... ehm, copy protection technologies have been known to break the damn thing. Just for future knowledge if nothing else...

Online dating I think

Oh, I don't burn anything. I just use it for watching DVDs, listening to music, or playing the Sims.

And quick question, how would I get into the time part of BIOS? XD;

Anndddddddddddd, since you guys were able to help me fix my drive, I was wondering if you could also help me fix my Wireless? I have a Netgear adaptor that worked just fine with the other laptop, but with mine it only picks up the signal but can't use it. It's been that way since a comcast guy came out and hooked our wireless up differently than we had it before. =/ I don't know whether my wireless chip is broken or what not, and I know my laptop doesn't have a switch to turn that off. So, just curious.

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