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Getting my computer date to stop changing


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You might have a CMOS battery going bad or you might need to update or re-install the Power Management software of the system from the MFG Website.

That is not Malware related and this should be taken up in the PC Help forum though. Thank you.

Yay! I'm not infectd again. :) But, why does my computer date keep changing?? On Wednesday it said it was Thursday twice. On Thursday it couldn't make up it's mind as to if it was Wednesday or Friday. Today it decide to be Thursday. :rolleyes:

Normally it's the time that hops around, and so long as I'm not infected I don't really care if my computer can't tell which day it is; but, how would I fix it??

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BIOS? It was just set to Saturday so I turned it back again.

In the Time Zone tab it's always been set to:

"(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)"

And then the block for 'Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes' has always been checked.


I can't replace the battery of my computer. I can't replace it's cd/dvd drive. I can't replace it's wireless chip. I can't replace it's fan. The only thing I can replace is the power-cord and it's battery--and that's only if my father is feeling generous. =/

And for the Internet time its auto set to:

"Automatically syschronize with an Internet time server

Server: time.windows.com [update Now]

The time has been succesffuly synchronized with time.windows.com on 2/27/2009 at 1:16."

Would not getting this fixed/replaced affect anything other than the time and date? (and my virus updating??)

Oh and my laptop is a Toshiba Satellite A55 S3036 (like this one) and bought when I was in 7th grade...so about 04-05.

I was told by dad I should just keep resetting the time/day every day and that /he doesnt think I'll lose my settings,etc/ when I explained it. Oh, and that batteries dont need to be replaced.

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AH laptop :rolleyes: they can be easier or harder to repalce batteries (I was thinking Desktop :) )

So the BIOS was wrong? keep checking it from time to time and see if resetting it helped...

Is that time zone YOUR time zone? if not, change it to the right one just for the sake of doing it :)

That time that it says it was last synced on successfully....is that around the last time that the date changed? You may try disabling this feature (auto sync) just to try to see if it is grabbing incorrect info...just an idea :)

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the more I think about it...if your battery was bad, it would reset back to a DEFAULT TIME AND DATE each time you shut off the machine...this isnt the same...hmm

Try wat I said above and see if that helps.... If that doesnt work, it could be 3rd party software or MAL...NAAH couldnt be! :rolleyes:

ALSO, check the event viewer ( do a START>RUN and type eventvwr )

look back on the SYSTEM and APPLICATION tabs and see if anything ODD is happening

that should keep you busy :)

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Eh. Bigger problem first.

I left my computer updating. I come home to find my laptop closed. When I opened it, it started to run Software Updates Removal Wizard, so I canceled the updates and now I'm trying to get my computer to fully update but Im having issues with the website =/

First off my computer wanted to reboot even though it was partially updated.

I did that.

Then it tells me its not installed all the way. And the update icon pops up but never lets me click it, or hover over it and poofs.

Then i got an error on the website that made me have to add it to the trusted zone for IE.

Then i had download this "Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (KB892130)"

...It just finished updating =3

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Ok. I rebooted and my computer polietly told me to 'Please wait.......' on the blue Windows XP fancy smancy screen. Then switched to not the Toshibia start up page, but a different one that also said 'Please wait...' before turning on. Then it said my computer was setting personalized settings for Microsoft Outlook before it would do anything else on my desktop.

And theeeeeeen 2 command prompt windows popped open (it did one last time; forgot to mention that). Those closed on their own. Online Armor had an error and wouldn't open.

Windows Live Messenger quickly reinstalled itself.

And then I opened Online Armor successfully.

Now I'm here. And for once have no update icon XD; And my tie and date are still correct :rolleyes:

-scrolls up to your post telling me what to do-

How do I look at the BIOS?

Yes, that's my time zone.

And I synced it then to see if it would do anything bizzare.

I opened the Event Viewer; but what am I looking for? Oh wait. Nvm.

The only thing I see reccently fishy would be the stuff with a Warning icon next to it. 'Userenv' has constantly had an error since back to December. (This is the Application and I attatched it too...cause I dont understand much in it)

"Windows saved user SAM\Samantha registry while an application or service was still using the registry during log off. The memory used by the user's registry has not been freed. The registry will be unloaded when it is no longer in use.

This is often caused by services running as a user account, try configuring the services to run in either the LocalService or NetworkService account.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp."

That's what Userenv said when I right-clicked =3

And in System there are a few errors; some of which are probably the result of my idiot family closing my laptop =.= -just found out I can figure out more about the error/warnings if I look at properties-

I attatched it also. c:

XD I dont even think my family has that disk anymore. And I wish I knew more about computers on my own. It'd be fun to build em etc.





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"The time service has not been able to synchronize the system time for 49152 seconds because none of the time providers has been able to provide a usable time stamp. The system clock is unsynchronized.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp."

In a nutshell, ja, it is saying it was unable to sync.

I like it too~. B) My BF and his friend had to explain it to me though x3; And keep reminding me to run it one a week or any time anythings deleted. :)

It's amazing how much stuff lingers when you delete something though :rolleyes:

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I dont really see anything TOO out of the norm...

Error 2/21/2009 1:11:19 disk None 7 N/A SAM

what does that disk error say? im doubting that had anything to do with it....

OH, and you asked about how to check the BIOS...whenever you restart the computer, the first screen u see as it is coming up is the BIOS screen (probably says like TOSHIBA or something like that) at that screen, it should say somewhere

HIT F2 FOR SETUP or something like that. May be a different key...hit the key it says to hit for setup and it will bring up the BIOS. HOPEFULLY the clock is on the first page and you can just check it and change it there...if it isnt...well, just let me know if it isnt lol

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somewhere on the screen it should have MINOR instructions....it will say like +/- changes values or up/down or F5/F6 or something like that. LOL its always different between different BOIS'. but then hit ESC to exit...it may ask if you want to save and exit...yes.... :rolleyes:

If it says DO YOU WANT TO EXIT WITHOUT SAVING say NO!!! you may have to move all the way down to the last OPTION/TAB and select SAVE & EXIT or something like that.

If you cant figure it out, just exit without saving and let me know :)

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When I went into BIOS I got this (And a minor hit on the head for Dad noticing me but being kinda too loopy to get angry at me):

Safe mode

Safe mode with networking

Safe mode with command prompt

Enable Boot logging

Enable VGA mode

Last known good configuration (your most reccent settings that worked)

Directory services Restore Mode (windows domain controllers only)

Debugging mode

Disable automatic restart at system failure

Start Windows Normally


Return to OS choice menu

Only C:/

No. It's not physically broken. It's just...on the fritz. /Again/ =/

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