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Trojan infiltrated my desktop and I first ran Adaware from Lavasoft ... no luck.

Then Spybot Search and Destroy ... again, no luck.

Then Malewarebyte and got "kicked out" the first run. The second efoort allowed the quick scan. Rebooted, and only got the dreaded BLACK screen with start up options of F2 or F12.

Now cannot boot up at all ... just hands with a blinkin' cursor on a black screen.

Hate to covert the drive to being just data as many programs reside on the drive. I normally conquer the trojans but this one has gotten the best of me. Any suggestions?

I have the trojan name at home and will post later. It was basically the desktop taken over with an image advising I had spyware, browser windows generated with the "advertised" spyware program to purchase, task manager rights withdrawn, and the little red X in the taskbar advising I had problems.

Thanks inadvance.


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Cool tool.

I get the penguin screen ...

Temp: B:

SystemDrive: X:

Volumes: B:/31.92 MB FAT

C:/ (unnrecognized)

D:/ 289.09 GB NTFS

Free Space:

(same as above)

Have gotten to "RunAlyzer - Multi-Installation Autostart & Configuration Manager

Am not sure what to do ... and don't want to jump off a cliff!

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They are not there! That portion of the screen is blank. No hope? New drive and slave the old? That's the advice I've been getting locally. :)

It should have a list of drives, such as C: and X: that you can click to expand.

See the following screenshot:



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It should have a list of drives, such as C: and X: that you can click to expand.

See the following screenshot:


Nope! I wish it did. I installed on another machine and see what "supposed" to be there, bit nothing. It's like my c drive is either being ignored or was wiped clean ... ? Am now taking the task of removing it and seeing if it'll show up as the secondary drive on another michine ... unless there's any magic advice out there???


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Nope! I wish it did. I installed on another machine and see what "supposed" to be there, bit nothing. It's like my c drive is either being ignored or was wiped clean ... ? Am now taking the task of removing it and seeing if it'll show up as the secondary drive on another michine ... unless there's any magic advice out there???

Try running a check disk.

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Unfortunately, it seemed everything I did made things worse. Assuming, and not reading, complete instructions and guidelines is probably my downfall. I went from one computer down to two, due to my lack of knowledge of the registry, partitions, etc.

It was time to upgrade anyway, so I turned the drive over to a local professional. There was enough important data on the drive that I didn't need to be foolin' around with it and chance losing it forever. Should have made that decision earlier.

I'll update later what the technicians advise.

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