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sites blocked?


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Ladies and Gentleman,

A user reports that my sites are being blocked by Malwarebytes. The sites he reported as blocked are bowlingfans.com and bowlingcommunity.com.

I am no longer a Windows user so I'm unable to test or confirm what your software is doing but I have checked our server and sites and I'm not seeing any signs of infection or hacks. This same server hosts about a dozen sites in total. We don't serve malware or anything else malicious. Just Google, Viglink, and Chitika ads.

Could you please help me resolve this issue and let me know if it's my specific IP or a range block which caused this.

Not sure if its related but my sites are protected by CloudFlare.com and serve images and content from their CDN.

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My apologies for missing your post. I'm still awaiting a response from CloudFlare.

The reason is due to CloudFlare providing routing for malicious domains, and telling me until recently, they weren't going to deal with them (seem to have changed their mind a couple days ago, and despite being given evidence of a few cases, have still not replied since 00:56 10/04/2012 - I've since sent an e-mail asking for an update).

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