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Hello if your reading this help would be greatly appreciated I recently was given a $700 Acer laptop for christmas for my sophmor year schoolwork and recreational time.

Considering that I record myself playing games and use it for school the Backdoor.agent is becoming quite annoying Ive ran a total of 36 system scans with malwareBytes and it keeps saying its qaurintined them/removed them followed by a request to reboot my computer to even further remove them if their still their. But the virus doesnt go away. Ive tried to manaully remove it as well but with no success I tryed to delete the files the trojan is supposidly in but then it replicated and is now in my systems registry Ive check to make sure no processes are running and suprisingly none are. Im currently running a two hour Microsoft Security Essentials scan on it and im hoping this works. But if it doesn't im hoping the great staff at Malware or the members could help me. I know where I got the virus from originally which was a skype file exchange from a buddy of mine that I know in real life he had the virus to im assuming. When the file was on my computer I imediatly noticed somthing had been detected and deleted it even out of the recycling bin just to be sure. It hasnt opened up and web browsers in Internet Explorer (YET) or caused any serious damage to my computered as far as im concerned the most it has done is randomly disconect me from the router in my house which is a good 5feet away from me at times and close out my Total Media Extreme I use for recording. Total Media Extreme is a unstable file to begin with and freezes all the time but NEVER closes out without my permission of course.

Ive told my step dad who is a systems analist at RLI and he hasnt really done much to help yet considering his 2terrabyte hardrive just crashed with my only backup on it. Bad timing happened here and im wondering if theirs anything I can do that im missing if anyones willing to help im willing to take any advice if the virus isnt gone soon I fear its going to do somthing worse if it isnt already it hasnt changed its file locations and I cant even edit the binary code to it and change it in my systems registry im just trying to figure out how I can qaurentine it and eventaully delete it so it doesnt change its name to a new file on the 30th. Any replies back would be great appreciated. Thanks

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Hello and welcome to the Malwarebytes support forum. Thank you for choosing Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware as your malware security solution, my name is Oscar Rubio and I'll be assisting you today.

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

Don't use any temporary file cleaners unless requested - this can cause data loss and make recovery difficult

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

Option 1 —— Free Expert advice in the Malware Removal Forum

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Option 3 —— Premium, Fee-Based Support


As we don't deal with malware removal in the General Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Forum, you need to start a topic in the

Malware Removal forum so a qualified helper can help you fix any malware related problems/infections you may have.

Please read and follow the directions Right HERE (http://forums.malwarebytes.org//index.php?showtopic=9573), skipping any steps you are unable to complete.

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If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again.


You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance.


Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk by filling out the form located --> Right HERE (http://www.malwarebytes.org/contact_consumer)


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Please be patient, someone will assist you as soon as possible.

PS: Please use the "Reply to this topic" http://i.imgur.com/oeXUf.png button not the Reply button when you start replying.

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