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Full scan haults system.

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I've been using Malwarebytes for a while now but never actually performed a full scan (only the quick scan).

I started a full scan & much to my surprise my system hung.

I could do nothing but force my system off by holding the power button.

After the restart I tried again & exactly the same thing happened.

I uninstalled Malwarebytes, downloaded the latest version, done the updates & ran a "Full Scan" but it hung my system yet again.

I've tried it many times now but it hangs the machine everytime I run a full scan?

It does complete a quick scan successfully everytime but not a full scan.

I'm using XP Pro SP3 & have no idea as to where to start to troubleshoot this.

Can anyone help?

Thanks, Gman.

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I'm not aware of any problems with either of those. Try turning off Mischel Internet Security while running the MBAM scan, and see if that helps.

You may also want to schedule a check disk since you've had to force your computer off.

Thanks for the replies GT500,

None of the above has helped the situation unfortunately but I have just stumbled on this post which seems to suggest that this may be a situation that MBAM are aware of so I'm going to try those steps.

Read Here:

Thanks again, Gman


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Yes, the developers are trying to sort through a freezing issue. Note that Marcin has posted a download of version 1.32 if you want to try the debug steps and provide feedback to the developers.

Please remember not to allow MBAM to update it's database after you install it, as the database is no longer compatible with version 1.32...

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Yes, the developers are trying to sort through a freezing issue. Note that Marcin has posted a download of version 1.32 if you want to try the debug steps and provide feedback to the developers.

Please remember not to allow MBAM to update it's database after you install it, as the database is no longer compatible with version 1.32...

Thanks GT500


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