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Website Blocking NOT Working

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When I updated to version of Malwarebytes Pro, I noticed that the checkbox next to "Website Blocking" (right-click on system tray icon and left click on "Website Blocking") was unchecked and no matter what I did I was unable to get it checked. This continued as long as I had that version and it's the same in the current version. I am NOT a computer novice and I strongly believe this is a bug that was introduced into recent versions of the software.

The same complaint can be found in the forum thread here http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=104252 In that thread, one of the Admin's posted a response that said, "No, this is not a bug. The time it takes to load the IP blocker is simply to unload and load MBAM's database. On Windows 7 and Vista this is expected behavior to take a while."

I have tried to "check" the box and then looked at it again many minutes/hours later, and it remains unchecked.

I have restarted my computer many times, and it remains unchecked.

In response to someone else in that thread, this Admin said, "How many times do you attempt to check the box after it is left unchecked?


  • Right click on the tray icon for MBAM and exit protection module.
  • Start the main scanner and go to the protection tab.
  • Ensure 'Start malicious website blocking when protection module start.' is checked.
  • Check 'Enable protection module.'

Within the system tray verify if the website blocking option is checked.

If it is not. Please check it once. Best practice is to watch Task Manager and look for svchost process using up high CPU. Once it settles down, it's done.

If it is still unchecked after that, please check it once more.

After that,

visit our IP test site:

iptest.malwarebytes.org "

I have done all of that and the test site said, "If you are able to reach this page it means that IP protection is disabled on your machine."

Please tell me why "Website Blocking" is not working on my machine.

Thank you!

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