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Weird freezing on multiple computers.


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Hello all, been a long time since i posted on here. First here is my problem. My computer seems to semi-freeze. meaning the screen will freeze but if there is any audio it will continue playing. The freeze happens for about ten second intervals and does it about every hour or two. only one or two times in a row. It mainly happens while on firefox, but had also appeared while using iTunes and other progs. I have been able to view system usage while this occurs and its not the system being pegged out. Now 3 thing to note before coming to a conclusion 1- this is a new install of windows 7 64 bit. 2- this is happening on my friends computer that I just built as well. and 3- its not the anti virus because I have uninstalled and attempted multiple ones to eliminate it. I will give you a run down of my system

Amd 1190T 6 core processor, (usually Oc from 3.2 to 4.0GHT but not in this instance) 8 GB 0r ddr3 1866 ram currently running at 1600 due to the no OC, Gigabyte MB 890 chipset, 2 9800gt evga video cards. 1 OCZ vertex 3 on sata6 cable and 3 other HD for storage. running a 700w Corsair power supply. Now the only thing new to this system besides a clean install was the SSD. but i have eliminated that by trying another one, and my friend pc is doing the same thing. At first I thought it was the new ssd learning my computer and the freezing was caused by it programing. But I have ruled out everything i can think of up to this point. oh just in case its a factor i'm running dual monitors and so is the other pc thats freezing. Thanks in advance for any opinions!

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its not the anti virus because I have uninstalled and attempted multiple ones to eliminate it.

It mainly happens while on firefox,

Hi sparky -

I assume that you have Fully uninstalled each A/virus program prior to installing the next one (with its correct uninstaller).

First just a quick link to the better A/v uninstaller site around http://uninstallers.blogspot.com/

What Antivirus and Version did you finally settle on ??

You also mention Firefox as a culprit, is this the same on Internet Explorer or any other browser ??

I must ask if any P2P programs are installed, like uTorrent or Kazza or example -

Apart from your problem, it seems like a good system, so I would look towards installed software rather than hardware -

Thank You -

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Yes I completely wiped the antivirus out of my HD. my final anti virus will be Eset. I was just trying out AVG since a friend raved about it so badly! I should have listened to my gut and tossed it out like I did years ago. It was not browser specific. It would do it on itunes as well as other progs. It seemed to stop now. my friends computer immediately after AVG delete. and mine did it a few times after but my conclusion is my SSD was relearning my system without avg. Thanks for the attempt to help. And finally I would like to go off a bit. P2P progs are not the root to all computer problems! Everyone instantly blames it on them. Because it used for illegal activity. But not everyone uses it for illegal uses! P2P progs are the only way to transfer large file efficiently through the internet ATM. Without it. I would not have a business. and everything I use it for is to transfer large files back and forth to clients that are my files not anything pirated! I have been using p2p progs for well over 5 years now and have never had a single incident that could be tracked back to it. Nor has any of the hundred computers I've have repaired that had it installed on it either. Sorry if I'm sounding mean. It's not meant to be that way but there is not to many ways to express dialogue in typing. But it just gets me going when everyone immediately blames a p2p prog. the very first time I came on here with a hijack this log I had someone yell at me for using one saying they are for nothing but illegal DL . When I tried to explain I don't do anything illegal with it I was called a flat out liar. Yes it is possible to get a virus using p2p file sharing, but no more unsafe than downloading anything else on the internet. So please stop being one those guys who jumps to conclusions about p2p.

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