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Everything posted by Stick

  1. Well...as of @ 8:30 PM Texas time yesterday...and watching my puter like a Hawk...I had been using Google Chrome as my default browser..deleted Chrome and so far(CROSSES FINGERS ) have NOT got any notices or pop ups regarding my initial post caoncerning SCVHOST notifications...
  2. My first initial scan after dropping the $$ for the pro version..has only kicked out 3 real threats..other than those all I get are BLOCKED Port 56010 Process: SVCHOST-exe Type out going Is there anyway to find out what this is Some times its a different port...sometimes it's a different number..xx.xxx.xx.xx
  3. Been getting this: (Type: outgoing, Port: 52252, Process: svchost.exe)BLOCKED Since I am more of a jokester on here is there any way to stop this completely..?? What does it refer to..?? Evidently it's "NOT GOOD" or it wouldn't of been blocked?
  4. I suppose a pic would help explain...need more coffee before I do stuff like this
  5. Some warriors inside the Pentagon are reacting with amusement and anger over outgoing Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta’s decision to create a prestigious heroism medal for cyber and drone combatants who sit inside stations outside a war zone. Mr. Panetta is exiting the building as a man generally admired by the Pentagon population, including hundreds of those tested in battle, for his hawkish views on killing Islamic terrorists and his devotion to the troops. But he is now also the brunt of jokes for his announcement Wednesday that he had created the Distinguished Warfare Medal and placed it high on the medal prestige list. “I suppose now they will award Purple Hearts for carpal tunnel syndrome,” said a retired Green Beret who does contract work for the Pentagon. Examples of those eligible for the new medal include service members who operate Predator drones over Afghanistan or Pakistan from the shelter of an air base, and military computer whizzes who defeat cyberattacks by China. It is not only the award itself, but its placement above, in order of prestige, the Bronze Star, that baffles and rankles some. The Bronze Star is awarded for extraordinary service to combatants in an actual war zone. It is adorned with a “V” if it is earned in direct combat. The military prides itself on the authenticity of medals, which become a sort of chest-mounted resume that quickly informs colleagues of one’s assignments, performance and accomplishments. An Army colonel who fought in Afghanistan and who admires Mr. Panetta told The Times he was taken aback by the “sudden” announcement. After much thought I personally believe this should be the "AWARDED MEDAL
  6. http://www.cseed.tv/c-seed-the-worlds-largest-outdoor-led-tv.html Some salient features include: High Resolution Retina LED Display in a 16:9 aspect ratio HD video transmission 100,000 Hz refresh rate (500 times the performance of a standard TV set) Moisture-repellent for safe outdoor viewing Ultra-wide viewing angles for brilliant picture quality Three 700 W subwoofers And what’s more- this TV also has a multisource media server which uses helps it accept input from both digital and analog video sources and it also supports HDTV, Blu-ray DVD players and game consoles. For security purposes, the unit’s remote control contains a fingerprint-recognition system. The exact price is not known however according to some sources C SEED 201 could cost around €500,000 (or $687,775 U.S.). You can find more details and specifications on CSEED.tv.
  7. Well there's always these guys....
  8. Been getting notices that JAVA (which is not ANYWHERE in my machine) has "certain parts that can access your files and or corrupt" Whats da deal on this...
  9. Two men died and went to Heaven. St. Peter greeted them, and said "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but your mansions aren't ready yet. Until they are, I can send you back to Earth as whatever you want to be." "Great!" said the first guy, "I want to be an eagle soaring above beautiful scenery!" "No problem," replied St. Peter, and POOF! The guy was gone. "And what do you want to be," St. Peter asked the other guy. "I'd like to be one cool stud!" was the reply. "Easy," replied St. Peter, and the other guy was gone. After a few months, their mansions were finished, and St. Peter sent an angel to fetch them back. "You'll find them easily," he says, "One of them is soaring above the Grand Canyon, and the other one is on a snow tire somewhere in Detroit!"
  10. I have Microsoft Security Essentals and MABM... Have MSE set to run @ 4:00 AM...MABM is set to run @ 10:00am Isue is...MSE runs for like 4 hrs...Why is that MABM scan runs the same files as MSE and the MABM scan "MIGHT" take an hour....maybe Both are doing a full scan...so far neither has caught and "bad stuff"
  11. NEW WORDS FOR 2013 Essential vocabulary additions for the workplace (and elsewhere) 1. BLAMESTORMING : Sitting around in a group, discussing why a Deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible. 2. SEAGULL MANAGER: A manager, who flies in, makes a lot of noise, craps on everything, and then leaves. 3. ASSMOSIS : The process by which some people seem to absorb success and advancement by kissing up to the boss rather than working hard. 4. SALMON DAY: The experience of spending an entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed and die in the end. 5. CUBE FARM: An office filled with cubicles 6. PRAIRIE DOGGING: When someone yells or drops something loudly in a cube farm, and people's heads pop up over the walls to see what's going on. 7. MOUSE POTATO: The on-line, wired generation's answer to the couch potato. 8. SITCOMs : Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. What Yuppies turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids. 9. STRESS PUPPY: A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny. 10. SWIPEOUT: An ATM or credit card that has been rendered useless because the magnetic strip is worn away from extensive use. 11. XEROX SUBSIDY: Euphemism for swiping free photocopies from one's workplace. 12. IRRITAINMENT : Entertainment and media spectacles that are annoying but you find yourself unable to stop watching them. The J-Lo and Ben wedding (or not) was a prime example - Michael Jackson, another. 13. PERCUSSIVE MAINTENANCE: The fine art of whacking the crap out of an electronic device to get it to work again. 14. ADMINISPHERE : The rarefied organizational layers beginning just above the rank and file. Decisions that fall from the adminisphere are often profoundly inappropriate or irrelevant to the problems they were designed to solve. 15. 404 : Someone who's clueless. From the World Wide Web error Message "404 Not Found," meaning that the requested site could not be located. 16. GENERICA : Features of the American landscape that are exactly the same no matter where one is, such as fast food joints, strip malls, and subdivisions. 17. OHNOSECOND : That minuscule fraction of time in which you realize that you've just made a BIG mistake. (Like after hitting send on an email by mistake) 18. WOOFS : Well-Off Older Folks. 19. CROP DUSTING: Surreptitiously passing gas while passing through a Cube Farm. __________________
  12. US tourists, a man and his wife are traveling in the Middle East. An Arab approaches the husband, saying, "I'll give you 100 camels for your woman." After a long silence, the husband says, "She's not for sale." The indignant wife says, "What took you so long to answer?" The husband replied, "I was trying to figure out how to get 100 camels back home."
  13. I am really disappointed...
  14. The Fight Walking into the bar, Mike said to Charlie, the bartender, "Pour me a stiff one. I just had another fight with the little woman." "Oh yeah"? said Charlie. "And how did this one end"? "When it was over," Mike replied, "She came to me on her hands and knees." "Really"? said Charles. "Now, that's a switch! What did she say"? She said, "Come out from under the bed, you little chicken."
  15. OK...Let me re hash this... Widows 7 I E 8 browser... Originally (I thought at the time) the "My Start Incredibar issue" was in CHROME...or so I thought.. Deleted Chrome...have run MSE scans along with MAMB scans...have NOT found any reference to "My Start Incredibar" in any of the scans..Have also ran CC Cleaner.. Since using ! E for default ...all od a sudden anything I type in I E searchbar "MY START INCREDIBAR" comes up..in the search tab..and no where else.. I have been through Program FIles Multiple times...I've run REVO UNINSTALLER...and anything I type in the I E search bar comes up "MY START INCREDIBAR Tried to get a screen print this morning..but evidently I'm not proficient enough in Windows 7...but if I figure it out I'll get it up IF I left out anything please forgive me...lemme know n I'll try my best to provide as much info as I can
  16. And ...(insert banghead yet again)Windows 7
  17. Browser is CHROME....however I didn't check addons in either(insert BANG HEAD HERE) IE or Chrome...duly noted and will do so
  18. I was recently going through some saved e mails...in one I noticed the ID and KEY for a program I down loaded.. As I was reading through I noticed that in one set that was all letters it spelled out D A H M...and in that order Found this to be funniernhell
  19. Got it on this machine....got rid of it once before by doing through the REGIDT (sp?) Now it's back n can't find it in ANY files...even tried REVO uninstaller...not listed... Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated and maybe Santa will bring you some extra stuff
  20. The Stork Family Two storks are sitting in their nest: a father stork and a baby stork. The baby stork is crying and crying and the father stork is trying to calm him down. "Don't worry, son. Your mother will come back. She's only bringing people babies and making them happy." The next night, it was father's turn to do the job. The mother and son are sitting in the nest and the baby stork is crying again. The mother is saying, "Son, your father will be back as soon as possible, but now he's bringing joy to new mommies and daddies." A few days later, the stork's parents are desperate. Their son was gone from the nest all night! Shortly before dawn, he returned and the parents asked him where he'd been all night. The baby stork says, "Aw, nowhere. Just scaring the heck out of some college students!"
  21. 1. As I let go of my feelings of guilt, I am in touch with my inner sociopath. 2. I have the power to channel my imagination into ever-soaring levels of suspicion and paranoia. 3. I assume full responsibility for my actions, except the ones that are someone else's fault. 4. I no longer need to punish, deceive, or compromise myself, unless I want to stay employed. 5. In some cultures, what I do would be considered normal. 6. Having control over myself is almost as good as having control over others. 7. My intuition nearly makes up for my lack of self-judgment. 8. I honor my personality flaws, for without them I would have no personality at all. 9. Joan of Arc heard voices, too. 10. I am grateful that I am not as judgmental as all those censorious, self-righteous people around me. 11. I need not suffer in silence while I can still moan, whimper, and complain. 12. As I learn the innermost secrets of people around me, they reward me in many ways to keep me quiet. 13. When someone hurts me, I know that forgiveness is cheaper than a lawsuit, but not nearly as gratifying. 14. The first step is to say nice things about myself. The second, to do nice things for myself. The third, to find someone to buy me nice things.
  22. How To Please Your I.T. Department - (A quick check list for those who need to make contact.] 1. When you call us to have your computer moved, be sure to leave it buried under half a ton of postcards, baby pictures, stuffed animals, dried flowers, bowling trophies and children's art. We don't have a life, and we find it deeply moving to catch a fleeting glimpse of yours. 2. Don't write anything down. Ever. We can play back the error messages from here. 3. When an I.T. person says he's coming right over, go for coffee. That way you won't be there when we need your password. It's nothing for us to remember 700 screen saver passwords. 4. When you call the help desk, state what you want, not what's keeping you from getting it. We don't need to know that you can't get into your mail because your computer won't power on at all. 5. When I.T. support sends you an E-Mail with high importance, delete it at once. We're just testing. 6. When an I.T. person is eating lunch at his desk, walk right in and spill your guts right out. We exist only to serve. 7. Send urgent email all in uppercase. The mail server picks it up and flags it as a rush delivery. 8. When the photocopier doesn't work, call computer support. There's electronics in it. 9. When you're getting a NO DIAL TONE message at home, call computer support. We can fix your telephone line from here. 10. When you have a dozen old computer screens to get rid of, call computer support. We're collectors. 11. When something's wrong with your home PC, dump it on an I.T. person's chair with no name, no phone number and no description of the problem. We love a puzzle. 12. When an I.T. person tells you that computer screens don't have cartridges in them, argue. We love a good argument. 13. When an I.T. person tells you that he'll be there shortly, reply in a scathing tone of voice: "And just how many weeks do you mean by shortly?" That motivates us. 14. When the printer won't print, re-send the job at least 20 times. Print jobs frequently get sucked into black holes. 15. When the printer still won't print after 20 tries, send the job to all 68 printers in the company. One of them is bound to work.
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