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Everything posted by tedivm

  1. We are aware of the issue and have implemented a fix. Please wait another five minutes and try to update again.
  2. I just plugged it in, there was a lot of work done by a lot of great people to put this together. I'll pass the message on though! We're keeping our minimalistic logo, which you can see in the lock itself. It's coming- we're stilling missing the most important one You can get to most pages through the footer, but we're going to put something together at some point. Thanks, fixed. I have no idea how no one (myself included) caught that one.
  3. We at Malwarebytes are proud to announce our new website! This website has been a long time in the making. It is our hope that this new site will provide our users with the most reliable information and the best user experience possible. As with any new site we are still making some tweaks and looking for issues- if you happen to run across any problems please let us know.
  4. In the upper right hand corner of the screen you'll see your username, with a down arrow directly next to it. If you click on this you'll see the option "My Settings"- click on that. This will bring you to your settings page, which has two submenus that control when you get emails- "Notification Options" and "Your Notifications". If you still want to receive notifications about some topics but not others you can use the "Your Notifications" menu to remove the ones you don't want anymore. If you want to disable email notifications altogether you can do so with the "Notifications Options" menu- simply uncheck each box that under "Email". I hope this helps!
  5. One thing we've noticed is that Firefox chokes on long "code" blocks in IPB. When MBAM logs are placed into "code" blocks instead of "quote" blocks it causes the syntax highlighting script to come into play, and for some reason the latest versions of Firefox do not like this at all.
  6. Which version of firefox are you using? I'm not discounting the idea that there might be a problem, but if people using other browsers are having no issues then it does seem browser related. If you don't mind it would be very helpful if you could open a second browser and attempt to load the forums when you encounter this problem with Firefox- if only one browser of two is having an issue on the same computer then that will certainly help narrow it down.
  7. There is nothing in the forums that would cause Firefox to hang. Contrary to what malvern has said, this is not the sign of a server or network issue- if Firefox itself is completely unresponsive than it sounds like a bug with Firefox. It could be that you have an extension blocking things up- you may want to try disabling extensions and enabling them one by one to see if any of them are responsible. Additionally, we aren't having any network issues at the moment, nor would I consider it typical behavior.
  8. mona, Thanks for the additional information. Everything should be running smoothly at this point, but please let us know if this happens again.
  9. If possible we've been asked to have people in the affected region check each of the following urls and let us know which do or do not respond- http://gp1.wpc.edgecastcdn.net/000002/sla/10k.gif http://gp1.wpc.v1cdn.net/000002/sla/10k.gif http://gp1.wpc.v2cdn.net/000002/sla/10k.gif http://gp1.wac.v1cdn.net/000002/sla/10k.gif
  10. It most likely is temporary. We're working with our CDN partners as well as the ISP itself in order to get this resolved as fast as possible.
  11. The Belgium ISP Telenet maintains their own proxy server network, which unfortunately is caching an older version out updates. We're currently working with them and our CDN to try and resolve the issue. In the meantime if you could call them and let them know that you are also affected it could speed this process up. We're sorry for any inconvenience, and are working to get this resolved as soon as we can.
  12. As much as the offer is appreciated, a few gigs is literally a drop in the bucket for us. At our daily peak we push out between three and four gigs a second on top of what is pushed from the existing mirrors. Even outside of the pure bandwidth requirements we have a high standard for mirrors- they need to be very stable and typically have multiple servers setup for resiliency.
  13. Saying it isn't correct, well, isn't 100% correct itself either. Anonymous isn't good or bad, but the people who are anonymous can certainly be either. Anonymous doesn't have any spokespersons and doesn't have any rules. One group of people can take on a cause- such as Scientology, the defense of Bradley Manning, or the mirroring of Wikileaks- while a completely separate but still Anonymous group can invade boards, hack into and defame websites, or make people's lives a living hell. Sometimes Anonymous does things to make the world a better place, sometimes it does it for the lulz. While many people (myself included) see such illegal things like DDoS attacks as having potential uses for things like protests, certain actions (like hacking the emails of people opposed to them) are very obviously criminal. If you look at the DDoS policy itself of Anonops- right there it is admitted that, in many jurisdictions, the actions they take are illegal. More importantly, they have special hosts setup in datacenters that specifically allow this type of behavior. By definition, doing things that are illegal make you a criminal, and without arguing the ethics or morals of it (which are an entirely different matter), I think it's safe for us all to admit that anonymous doesn't shy away from actions due to the legality. Here is where the problem lies- Anonymous is just one small, tiny user at this datacenter. It doesn't matter that the actions of anonymous may be more protest than crime. In order for this datacenter's whole model of "bulletproof hosting" to work they need many more clients who have reason to fear law information. An incredibly large number of these other clients happen to be pushing malware, some are running CnC hubs for malicious botnets, others are used to dump stolen financial data. These are the things we want to protect our clients from, and that is why their IP addresses could have been added to our blacklist.
  14. Additionally, I am pretty sure those IP addresses do not belong to anonymous. The domain irc.anonops-irc.org does not currently resolve to anything, and irc.anonops.net is on a completely different range of IP addresses.
  15. In the past that IP address has been used to push malware, hence why it is on our block list. I've made sure that our researchers are aware of this false positive report, and they will look into it in order to make sure malware is no longer being pushed from it. If that is the case then it should be removed from the list shortly. In the mean time if you are using the latest version of MBAM you should be able to add an exception for that IP address, which in turn should let you reach the irc network.
  16. I'm assuming this will be addressed in the next bugfix release of IPB, which from my understanding shouldn't be too long now. If it doesn't address the issue I'll work with IPB to get it resolved.
  17. There seems to be a some confusion in this thread, so I want to be very clear about something- if you purchase our program you will be taken to a dedicated download site. When you run updates of any sort- whether it's on a free or pro version- you're also running it against our update infrastructure. If you're okay with using our free version but don't want to use our paid one because of our use of mirrors then please rest assured that we do not use those mirrors for the pro version. Another thing I'd like to point out is that we are not the only company that does this- in fact, many antivirus companies also direct downloads for their free product to CNET and other mirrors. Many also redirect their users there for updates as well, which is something we do not do.
  18. Not possible. This is a new version of the IPB software and the old theme was incompatible. We're certainly happy to take suggestions for things that can be improved, and we are working on a new theme to replace this default one with.
  19. The time you put up was during an update we were doing on the servers that took longer than intended. That update should have resolved any issues you've been having.
  20. This is something I've thought about, but there are a lot of things that need to be discussed before it can be a reality. At some point in the future I do see this happening, but just not any time too soon.
  21. Tool is awesome- Lateralus was one of my favorite concerts, and I saw them twice on their last tour (10,000 Days). As pathetic as this may sound I've seen Maynard in concert five times (twice with A Perfect Circle, three with Tool).
  22. These are all things we're exploring, so keep an eye out for future changes. That's probably because this thread was started literally months before you joined the forums, so you probably have only seen the new theme. Yes actually, we're in the process of testing an ipb3 compatible theme that is much closer to our current site design than this one.
  23. What sort of features would you like?
  24. You're right, it's clearly a bug. Thank you for bringing it to our attention- I'll make sure to pass it off to the development team.
  25. To be clear, not blocking a site is not the same as supporting or endorsing that site or it's activities. MBAM's focus is to protect people's computers against threats, and this IP/Website probably got on the list because there was some reasonable threat coming from that site. If the site has been listed in the false positive forums (which I believe it has been) then it will be reviewed for delisting by our research staff.
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