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  1. Thank you for your response. I did some more digging. Windows 10 is just relentless in running edge and it has nothing to do with MWB. I apologize for making assumptions. MWB should classify Windows itself as malware! :) As for node.exe, I figure out what was starting that up, as well. Again, my bad on that. It really looked like MWB was starting it. We can consider this issue resolved. (Well, it will be fully resolved when I uninstall Windows and go strictly with Debian linux haha)
  2. I am not reporting a problem. I am inquiring about how your product, Malwarebytes, may use node.exe and/or msedge and msedgewebview2 as background tasks. If MWB does not start these products then I may have other issues. Thank you.
  3. My question pertains to why MWB launches browser and node instances at all when I boot up my machine / log in? What is MWB doing with them? How are they integrated into the product and what are they doing? Shouldn't all network traffic be passing through MWB for analysis anyway? It just seems highly suspicious and very inefficient to load up a bunch of thick processes in the background when all I've done is log into my PC.
  4. Before I criticize the heavy use of multiple node and msedge processes spun up in the background does anyone know of an official MWB link that explains why the architecture changed over the years to now rely on these processes? It seems to me this just expands the attack surface that malicious / state actors can use to compromise the product. I am considering moving to other products for this reason after years of paid loyalty to MWB.
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