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  1. For the record, I'm on Windows 10, and pretty strong setup. The MB version I have is So I'm not sure if this problem has been posted already or not, but I need help. I recently downloaded MalwareBytes as its the most recommended antivirus I seem to notice to detect virus issues. After doing the scanning and cleaning, I tried uninstalling through programs and features as you would, went through the uninstall setup. Now each time I do it, and it has to be around 5 times at least now, it goes to 5% in uninstalling, and then goes "Uninstall completed" within seconds and prompts the uninstall webpage of MalwareBytes (The one that would open up after its been uninstalled). However, each time, the antivirus is still on my PC, it stilll is working how it would, not uninstalled in the slightest. I've tried all I could think of but this program is just refusing to uninstall. Any help?
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