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  1. I went through my extensions and found it was an outdated one that had been removed from the Chrome store and I already had a new extension that did the same thing. Removing that extension solved my issue.
  2. I have a bunch of extensions. It must be one of them causing problems. Although oddly enough none of them are specifically for Google so I don't know why I just have the issue there when doing a search.
  3. It doesn't prevent Google searches. It just gives me the notification that it blocked Malware ever single time I do a Google search. I haven't see it pop up when on Youtube at all.
  4. Here is my log, there is a lot in there efd8556c-29ac-4d39-9cd7-e1a21bc34abc.txt
  5. The first image that says "Malware blocked" is the pop-up I get every single time I do a Google search. The second image is what it says it is blocking.
  6. I have 2 computers that are both having this same issue. They were fine for a very long time until just a few days ago, I'm assuming an update to the Malwarebytes extension and I'm not the only one with this issue, the Chrome store reviews have a bunch of people complaining about it. I'm not resetting Chrome and jumping through all of those hoops just because Malwarebytes doesn't have a way to turn off the annoying notification I get every time I use Google. Instead I'll just stop using the Malwarebytes browser extension and find something else. Thank you for answering my question, but this extension isn't worth that level of hassle.
  7. Here are my results using the support tool mbst-grab-results.zip
  8. Every time I do a google search I get a notification that malware was blocked which stays there for about 5 seconds. When I check browser guard to see what it is blocking it says that it is the prodfliying virus. This is on Google, is Google infected? Am I getting a false positive? Either way can I just turn the notification off and have it block things silently? I don't need a notification ever single time it blocks something.
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