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Posts posted by jnottingham

  1. I've not gotten a single notification of any kind.  I almost don't think MB works or that my system is so far gone that it's a lost cause.  Not ONE warning even... and before I had all sorts of problems.  The thing is this computer stopped updating itself in 2021 because it decided it was time.  And all sorts of other nonsense.  I don't know what I expect AdvancedSetup to say or do at this point but it would be nice or interesting at least to find out what is really going on.  I somehow lost administrator rights to my computer and quickly thereafter access to most of my personal photos and music etc.  All access to a WD Easystore external I bought.  If anyone has any viable suggestions?  

    Thanks so kindly  ~  Jennifer  Langston-Nottingham 

  2. C:\WINDOWS\system32> ECHO Y|CHKDSK C: /F
    The type of the file system is NTFS.
    Cannot lock current drive.

    Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another
    process.  Would you like to schedule this volume to be
    checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)
    This volume will be checked the next time the system restarts.


    This is what it says. How do I respond Yes.  I put a Y and it said wrong command...

  3. Good Morning.  Well I finished everything up until the point where I was meant to do another SFC scan.  Everything except this browser is not showing up at all on my computer.  I can't get anything with the keyboard and I didn't know how to do anything with the command prompt and closed it probably too soon.  It said that it was good and then probably a while after that there was an Error:0x800f081f 'Source files could not be found'  Then it said to use the source option to specify the location of the files that are required to restore the feature. (by feature I am guessing it's the thing that caused everything to disappear from my screen. I mean everything.) Then it said to go to a microsoft link for specifying a source location.  One with a LinkId?  I just wanted to clue you in before I logged out in case it is impossible to get back in.  I mean impossible for me.  

    Oh, it did say something about where I could find the DISM log file as well but at that point I couldn't open anything.  :|   

    Wish me luck. 

    ^ ^



  4. Oh my Lord... the concerns with this PC are endless.  I believe I have been hacked, am being actively... by someone who is very good at it.   He is a software developer and I was married to him for 15 years but we have been separated for three and he refuses to talk to me at all, in any capacity whatsoever.  The reason I think it is him is it all began right after my mother died from cancer, and he really cared about what she thought of him.  Also, I found log files in places that he knows I would never delete things.  For example he rewrote battlenet's entire ... gah, I don't actually know what the correct term is for it, and was cocky enough or thought I was too dumb - who knows - to find it.  There are these 4 new drives, not local, on the computer.  It is very annoying.   Also illegal I imagine.  I don't care about that, but I do care about the unkind nature of it.  Basically, it hurts my feelings more than anything else.  That and I don't have the authority to do anything anymore on my own computer and that gets pretty bothersome.   You likely could do without the drama so I had hoped to be able to get some things sorted without telling this part of it but without it it is just too disconnected, at least that is how it sounds to me?  Gah.  There are so many things happening all the time with this thing and I am always trying to stay calm so rather than writing them down like I should I just go onto the next whatever.  I will write them down from now on.  Otherwise it is too difficult for anyone else to help, I understand.  : )

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