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Posts posted by Protos97

  1. ok I have the logs finished but I need to boot up my other computer.  On the other hand though I noticed something odd when using this machine.  When logging into ultimate guitar tabs (using that email mentioned in this thread) and starting one of its features called midi sync, all  the sudden all the bandwidth on my router went from 100 to 20.  It wouldn't stop until the site was logged out.  Could this be an coincidence?  I do not think something like this can bottleneck my entire routers bandwidth.

  2. 3 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    Just checking. Did you create this account?


    7369F34D1C9648439DB4 (S-1-5-21-3100339783-2837260352-536683996-1009 - Limited - Enabled)

    idk what that is.  


    3 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    Why do you have your DNS Server set to your local system?

    Your DNS Servers:

    Idk what this is either.


    3 hours ago, AdvancedSetup said:

    Please download the attached fixlist.txt file and save it to the Desktop or location where you ran FRST from.
    NOTE. It's important that both files, FRST or FRST64, and fixlist.txt are in the same location or the fix will not work.

    So, I have several files that the frst scan gave me.  They are renamed and I was wondering which of the four that I am to group with this script

  3. I just noticed that every time I send an email out from my Gmail that it says that it comes from an Evernote Account.  I am unsure as to what exactly that means and I  am wondering why my gmail account even says it is affiliated with an Evernote Account.  Can anyone assist me as to whether this is just a misunderstanding or something malicious?  Thanks

  4. So I was using a website service for my computer called canirunit.

    I used the service once before without problems a few years back.  However, after downloading an exe file I get this annoying Mcafee pop up every time i opened google chrome.  I can't close it and I am not clicking on it either.

    Malwarebytes does not show any attacks on my computer, but I am a bit skeptical of it's judgement.  Any thoughts on what I should do?




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