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  1. I know this is an old topic, but THIS IS NOT MY PROBLEM. It is MALWAREBYTES' problem. Relatively recently, they decided that they had NO obligation to allow the client software to report the user ID and/or the license key under which it was registered. I have been, and still am, in awe of your technology for over ten years (starting when it was free) and have given it 5+ stars, as it were, to my many clients and have heavily pressed them to install and pay for it for all that time. Yet now, when I want to add VPN to one of my personal lifetime licenses, it fails every time? I have seeded/been your YEAST for DOZENS, if not hundreds of new customers over the years, so do you think it is a wise marketing decision to piss me off? Sorry for the language, and I want to make it clear that the poor grunt who processes these messages has no control over Corporate POLICY, but maybe somebody with balls and/or nothing to lose will step up and fix this silly impediment to marketing by customer referrals?
  2. Greetings Captain- Well, I deleted all the Push Notifications in FF (I never use anything else unless I have a gun to my head) last night. The problem didn't go away immediately, and not overnight, but apparently this afternoon or evening. I'll take it either way, but in my Technician brain it would be nice to know whose bug it was and what they did to fix it. That way when one of my clients calls with a similar problem, I'd be able to tell them which program they need to force-update to fix it. Since the symptom only manifested itself while remoted in with RealVNC, I'll lay it at their feet unless I find out any different. Thanks very much for your help, and Merry Christmas (or whatever)! Yours Faithfully, Richard
  3. Not to be excessively cynical, but I've been around this track a few thousand times. What you are saying is exactly what I've told more users than I can count, "I really don't have any idea what could cause your problem, but it wouldn't hurt to reinstall and reboot." True enough. On the other hand, I was really hoping that a person paid by Malwarebytes might say "oh yeah, this is an obscure bug we've been seeing for years..." If you can, I'd appreciate your escalating this to salaried support. If not, I'll try it. what the Hell. Richard
  4. This is a rectangular white box the same height as the Task Bar, with the (M)alwarebytes spelled-out logo on it. It is roughly four times as wide as it is high. It has a vertical green band at the left-hand end which is about the same width as a single character in the word Malwarebytes. This box DOES NOT show up in a Print Screen image! It remains in the lower right even if the Task Bar is dragged to any of the other sides of the screen. The image embedded below is from another user's (SkyMirage) post in this same forum on 12/18/2020. It's almost identical to mine, but my box is blue text on a white background and has the green band at the left. Also, my box is superimposed on the right end of the Task Bar, blocking access to the time and several other icons. There seems to be some relationship with the fact that I'm actually using RealVNC to view the desktop in question from a different PC on my LAN. When I change the view from full-screen to windowed (using the RealVNC option) the box disappears! I want my Clock (etc) back! Richard
  5. Not good at all, to be honest. Despite trying too many things to even mention, the machine is still acting very strangely, even when I try to initiate a completely fresh install by booting from Windows 10 DVD, deleting all existing partitions on the hard disk, and going from there. My next plan is to look into problems with the power supply, since I see that this one is a used one I had used when the OEM one failed a couple of years ago. Richard
  6. If do check the System drive as well as the external one and run the scan, the log report shows nothing to indicate one way or another that the external drive was scanned for rootkits.
  7. Yes, and when you make the selections as above, when you hit Scan, you get the dialog shown below. I take this to mean that Malwarebytes only thinks rootkits are to be found on the local system drive, and not on external drives.
  8. I'm working on a friend's desktop PC running Windows 7 Home x86. Malwarebytes and ADWcleaner both crash without information during scans. Something seems to be blocking those and other misc attempts at cleaning up the machine. I suspect a rootkit. I have removed the hard disk and used a USB dock to attach it to my own Windows 7 x64 desktop. CHKDSK and sfc/ scannow both come up clean. Malwarebytes comes up clean, but it is apparently unable to scan for rootkits on external drives, as is ADWcleaner. I haven't tried any of the Windows command-line MBR tools yet, hoping that fans of my favorite anti-malware tools will suggest a more systematic approach.
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