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Everything posted by suzy5527

  1. Yes, my version keeps saying program didn't shut down right, after before, but then I close app as instructed & then it boots right back again.... Yes, this is Office 2016 Hmm...do you think Best Buy might help? Thanks for all your attention! Suzy
  2. Thank you so very much, in what i am sure is a very basic description for the help I need BUT...I am such a rummy, I have absolutely No Idea what you are talking about. I imagine I'll have to take this to Best Buy & see IF they can fix this. But IF you can think of anyone who might be able to help me, at this level, please send them. Thank you again!
  3. I have a repeated problem. Ev day I get a message 56 errors, then i quaranteen 56 items, then it repeats itself, for 6 weeks now? S Inman
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