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  1. Hi daledoc1, Everything is good. I just tried again to get updates -- worked beautifully. Quicker than before and I don't have to supply my password every time, which, is much much better. Furthermore, the on-demand update button is right there, on the first page that mbam opens onto. I've already gotten to quite like the many options of the new interface: I think the problem was more that I didn't grasp that there actually were so many more options; but just started out --blindly, trying to take the old paths despite the new.... country! These changes that come down from above (Chrome, Avast, Windows .... anywhere ...), which one doesn't know beforehand will necessarily be for the better, always take time. Putting off the "switch" till later doesn't work for me because I never have more time later than I have now. To my taste, though, changes were for the better this time; and in a major way. Thanks again, mud_puddle p.s. Really nice dog!
  2. Hi again, To Alikhan -- particularly : No, that last checking in CMD when I saw mbam connect was just an attempt. I didn't actually receive an update at that time. Since Phone Man noted that there is an update report at the bottom of the "scan" page, I'll keep an eye on that for the next little while to make certain that I'm actually receiving updates when I call for them once a day. And then, there is also the database version listed on the dashboard to help. I did this morning, hit the "update now" on the dashboard, and did indeed receive an update. Late yesterday, I went into "scheduling" and set both updater and scanner to run "Once" (which I wasn't sure what that meant when I first saw the option) but I think it's working to let me choose my own update and scan times, in other words, manually. To Phone Man -- particularly : Thanks for that tip about the update reporting at the bottom of "scan" page. Also to DavidMbncus : I seemed to have solved it, as above, but will keep the "remove" in mind. I hesitated to use that because I thought that if I ever removed the options COMPLETELY, I might have a hard time getting ANYTHING back, if I were ever to change my mind about it all. But I guess that "add" would actually "baby" me through the process of restoring scheduling. Also lordkain : Thanks for the link. I might easily need that particular fresh download someday. I realise now, that I should have reviewed all the pages in the interface more carefully; in particular the small print. What I did instead was directly head for the settings to arrange them to my liking but then the no pop-ups for update confirmation seemed to mean that there weren't any ... updates. I was also rather confused by the small print that I actually did read. The threat scan is listed as the most comprehensive in the small pale print. And I thought wow! they got it down to 14 minutes from an hour and a half but then, "I don't really think I like that,.. how can it be doing a thorough job in so little time?" But latter when I happened to try the custom scan, I found the good old full scan in it -- actually even much MUCH longer than usual, because of the freeze. But I didn't want to get rid of the mbar (anti-rootkit) anyway, which program, I've been really happy with in the way it runs; though, of course, it has never found anything. But I've never had any malware nor virus nor any of the other "rotten bits" AS FAR AS I KNOW. Though .... One of the "rotten bits" tried the CLSID scam on me yesterday (but that was by telephone) -- they said they were Microsoft. It took half an hour of my insisting that NO! I was not typing anything into my computer on their "say so", and, could they call back later instead (I'd check them out). A half an hour -- yes, before I was certain enough that it was a scam, to put the phone down. I'm slow that way. Anyway .... I really do like the new interface especially the "update now" on the top page. I have always wondered what the mbam logo is generally thought to represent, or maybe it is just generally "general''. Though just to tease you a little, I've always called it "the blue mosquito" to myself. I also have always really liked the way Chameleon zips off into the BLACK saying "killing known malicious processes -- please wait". I just think that is so so so so ....... so cute. Thank you all for all the great help. Don't inadvertently step in the ... mud_puddle
  3. Hi, Thanks to all for the quick and kind responses. Checking the database version couldn't help today because the threat scan ran an update before it scanned. I was staring at the dashboard, wondering what to do, when I saw a "check for updates" flash by. AhA! I thought "I did make a mistake". I'm used to seeing the updates download and that takes time, but the update check itself, takes no time at all. So ... I opened CMD and hit "netstat -b -n" directly after hitting "update now" on the dashboard and saw Malwarebytes appear in the listed connections: so, she/he/it really did go. Apologies to all: a little knowledge is a dangerous thing but I'm kind-of-new at CMD, Linux, Gparted, inadvertently changing partitions from basic to dynamic (and fixing it) and all that sort of thing. Please remember old times and forgive me. 'Little knowledge' seems the only route to begin to get anything done. mud_puddle
  4. Hi, I updated to on March 25th. I don't seem to be getting updates. The logs don't show any. And ... despite my settings seeming to specify that I should have the following: -notification of updates -notification of "no updates" through any period greater than a day I've not had any notification other than a "malicious website" one, which website, I deliberately attempted to access, in order to see if I was protected. In my just previous version of mbam, I manually requested updates. That version was NOT on automatic install of updates. This morning, I set the 2.0 on realtime updating at a rate of every "every five minutes" and opened CMD to do a "netstat -b -n" every 10 seconds or so, in order to see malwarebytes cross the line; but it didn't. Not only that, the check in the box beside the "Check for Updates" keeps disappearing. It disappears within three minutes, whether I leave scheduling and return to scheduling or just stay there and watch it go. All this is happening under administrative privileges. I don't want updates running at system start-up, nor at times of heavy CPU use, hence my manual attitude towards it all. I've spent a LOT OF TIME on 2.0 in these past three days (maybe 4-5 hours, maybe 7 by now). I also ran into the full-scan freeze (with anti-rootkit) at a Windows theme image and tried investigating that too. And now I'm spending more time on it, because an automated threat scan was just running, even though, I had totally unscheduled it. It is not ticked in scheduling. I've just now re-set it to once a month, but how am I going to check on that? I didn't notice the threat scan start: it was just there at the 8 minute mark, or so seemed. I don't want it to run at all, except when I request it at my own choice of particular moment. I think this might have to do with my having unchecked any sort of automatic updating with my previous version of mbam; something of a difficulty in the same area also happened when I went from the free to pro version but it wasn't so bad and I lived with it. Not getting any updates at all, is a rather more serious problem to my mind. I might do a restore because I did set up a restore point just before the upgrade/update? to Malwarebytes has saved me from Open Candy and Shamurx (though I'm still wondering if THAT is a false positive) even though I'm ridiculously careful. Avast hasn't saved me from anything. And $25. to you (per computer lifetime) was a very good price, even a major bargain. I'll wait a couple of days before running system restore. I've always run the manual updates for mbam once a day with the previous versions. I need those updates. Thank you for listening, though I tell you, I don't think that the "fair and just" like being disempowered much -- if that's what is happening. Not much at all. Of course, it might just possibly be all my mistake. I've made a mistake or two before ....this computer lifetime. mud_puddle
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