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Posts posted by Dashke

  1. 20 minutes ago, MatthewB111 said:

    Hi guys!

    Malwarebytes started blocking communications with GOG CDN as seen in the Logs below.

    It disabled game downloads for GOG Galaxy users.

    Steps to reproduce: Install GOGGalaxy (https://gogalaxy.com) and try to download a game via the client. 

    I've checked on VirtusTotal and it seems that some AV Vendors treat the Game CDN gogcdn.net as phishing? It's a CDN for game downloads by gog.com. 


    Please help. Appreciate your help. 

    Logs below:

    LogGOG.txt 827 B · 1 download


    Since the IP is clean now, I will remove the block.

    Seems that there was a malicious script hosted -


  2. Hi Hugh,

    I would advise your to perform an antivirus scan of your system and change all your passwords including the weebly account password.

    After that, you should check the folder structure of your website and remove all files that have been unknown to you.

    This is a good place to start -



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