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RogueRemover Suggestion


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I used version 1.03 of RogueRemover and it did not require an install.

Somewhere along the line the process now requires that the product actually be installed on the system that you are going to run the scan on ( at least for versions 1.09 & 1.11, the updates that I have tried ).

There may be very valid reasons that I am not aware of that makes it necessary for the product to be installed on each system that you run it on, but I found that the standalone version was very convenient. It meant I could have the program on a memory stick and be able to run a full system scan quickly and easily.

Yes, I can have the installable version on the memory stick, but the install process takes longer to run than a full system scan with the software does.

I can understand with RogueRemover Pro why it would need to be installed since you are having a resident program running to do real-time scans.

Possible suggestion - have two versions of the RogueRemover program - an install version for those that want it on only one system, and a standalone version for those that want to be able to quickly check out several systems.

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