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Unable to log onto windows after rebooting following malwarebytes scan

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OK. So about a week ago, I began having issues with infections. I had a lot of them. Here's what I've done thus far.

The initial infection prevented me from going to any web site or doing updates for anything related to anti-virus/ anti-spyware/adware/malware software.

I initially found a vundo infection, antivirus 2009, and a few other infections.

Next, after trying to fight these initial infections off, I lost network connection. I could log onto my wifi network, but could not access the internet in any way.

I installed ad-aware and spybot onto my jump drive through another computer that was not infected (actually did installation there so that I could update definitions before moving the drive to my problem computer to do the scan)

After running those and ComboFix on the computer, it seemed to mostly correct the problems. I could again access the net and seemed to be down to only 1 or 2 minor infections.

I got greedy and wanted to get rid of EVERYTHING though, so I installed Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware program and did a scan. After the scan, it found 6 other items and removed 3 immediately. It told me the others (the file names I can't remember off hand other than 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\wininit.dll' I believe) would be removed upon reboot and then asked me if I'd like to reboot now. I selected yes.

Following the reboot, my serious problems began. When booting up, the boot process proceded as normal, brought up my background, but before any of the desktop items began to apprear or the Start bar, it took me back to the Welcome screen and suddenly the Windows log-off chime sounded and I was back to the account log-on screen. I am the only account on the computer (excluding the Administrator Account only visable in Safe Mode), so I selected my account and it showed the message "Loading your settings" followed immediately by "saving your settings" and finally "logging off" before the screen returned back to the account log-on screen. It's a constant loop.

I attempted to boot in Safe Mode and had the same result, with the exception of the choice between my account and the administrator account. Regardless of which one I choose, the same loop occurs. It won't proceed past the log-on screen.

I booted from the Windows Installation CD and entered an Installation. I selected to Repair Windows Installation. The installation repair began and during the process I received the following error messages:

COM+ Setup Error

Sub-component COM+ raised an exception while processing the OC_COMPLETE_INSTALLATION setup


d:\nt\com\com1x\src\complussetup\compsetup\csetuputil.cpp [line 3406]

Error Code = 0x8007007f

The specified procedure could not be found.

Failed to load the library 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\catsrv.dll'



Windows Update

An error occurred loading 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\directdb.dll'. The file may not have been installed or it has been corrupted.



Windows Update

An error occurred loading 'C:\WINDOWS\System32\inetcomm.dll'. The file may not have been installed or it has been corrupted.



Windows Update

An error occurred loading 'C:\Program Files\Outlook Express\msoe.dll'. The file may not have been installed or it has been corrupted.



Windows Update

An error occurred loading 'C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\wab32.dll'. The file may not have been installed or it has been corrupted.



Windows Media Player

The file wmploc.dll has a version number of where 11.0.5721.5145 was expected.

Windows Media Player is not installed properly and must be reinstalled.

Do you want to install the Player from the Microsoft Web site?

Yes/No (I selected NO)



After the installation repair was complete, the system rebooted like normal and when it got through the boot sequence, the same problem persisted. When the background would appear and I would hear the Windows Log-On chime and then immediately get pushed back to the Welcome screen and hear the Windows Log-off chime followed by the account log on screen and that loop started again.

I then booted from the Windows Installation CD again and this time chose the 1st repair option (Windows Recovery Console) and though I'm not terribly familiar with the Windows Recovery Console (as this is the 1st time I've used it), I used the HELP option to find out what the different commands do and selected the 'chkdsk /p" and it found 1 error. I then selected 'chkdsk /r' to recover the readable information. It found 1 or more errors and repaired them.

Following this, I rebooted and it booted until my background was up, stuck there for a moment or 2 and then back to the Welcome screen and the account log-on and I'm still unable to log in.

Does anyone else have any other suggestions on what to do? I still can't log in and I can't get Windows to boot from the Installation CD and I don't have a Boot Disk.

This might be a really stupid question, but can I create a boot disk on a different computer and it will boot my messed up computer with this disk? And can I create a boot disk on a jump drive? I don't have a burner in my functioning computer.

I'm pulling my damn hair out trying to figure out a way to fix this.

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