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Contacted Dell, as my computer crashed...they took over control and installed Malwarebytes "Anti-Malware" this would only be useful for approximately 1 year...now the time is up for me and I really would like to purchase the same program and continue its use, However, I am not sure what download I have and what download I need to replace the one I have..which I REALLY like...!!!! Mike

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Contacted Dell, as my computer crashed...they took over control and installed Malwarebytes "Anti-Malware" this would only be useful for approximately 1 year...now the time is up for me and I really would like to purchase the same program and continue its use, However, I am not sure what download I have and what download I need to replace the one I have..which I REALLY like...!!!! Mike

Hello Mike and :welcome:

If it was a purchased program (Malwarebytes pro) it is good for life. It it was the free version you need only click on the "purchase" button, or you can go HERE to purchase. $24.95 for a lifetime one computer license. The "Pro" version is a very good security investment.

Best regards

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Hello and welcome, bushed:

[[EDIT: Sorry, goldhound. We must have been typing at the same time. I **think** it may be the case that Dell installed a 1-year renewable corporate license on the OP's machine, as would have been the norm. So, we might need some clarification. :) ]]

installed Malwarebytes "Anti-Malware" this would only be useful for approximately 1 year...now the time is up for me

Glad you like MBAM!

It's a great product with terrific support!

I am just a home user, so one of the expert MBAM staff will correct me if I am wrong....

It sounds from your description as if Dell followed correct procedures & installed MBAM with a corporate license on your system, since those licenses do indeed need to be renewed yearly.

I don't think there's a way to convert a copy of MBAM registered with this type of corporate license to a consumer license.

So, if you would now like to convert to a personal license for home use -- which is a lifetime license per 1 computer -- then I am pretty sure you will need to first purchase a consumer license & then cleanly reinstall MBAM, using the new license ID & key to register it.

While we wait for someone more expert to advise you, I'd like to confirm:

This is the PRO version of MBAM (the one that offers real-time protection)?

Does it say PRO in the ribbon at the top of the main user interface?

And, when you open the main user interface and click on the "about" tab, is there info about a license and key?

What is the MBAM version number you see there (current is

And what is the database version you have (current is 6957, but it is updated several times daily)?

We should probably wait for confirmation about the corporate -> personal license migration before you spend $ on the personal license.

They may have a way for you to do this without having to bother with reinstalling & re-registering...

(If you do need to reinstall and re-register, we will provide specific instructions how to do this -- it's really quite easy & will only take a few minutes!)

Let's see what the experts say. :)

Best regards,


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Hi bushed, welcome to Malwarebytes.

daledoc1 asked me to comment on this.

Both daledoc1 and goldhound are correct.

Consumer licensing is lifetime and business use needs to be renewed annually.

Best thing to do if you are a business customer is send an email to corporate-support@malwarebytes.org

If you are a home use consumer customer please send an email to support@malwarebytes.org

We will work with you to determine what you have installed and what licensing you currently have and then our Sales dept can work with you to convert it if need be.

Thanks :)

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@ Jacktivity:

That sounds like an excellent plan!

Thank you very much for researching and clarifying this issue.

@ bushed:

I hope this will answer your questions.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Until then, enjoy your MBAM!

It is an outstanding product with outstanding support!

Best regards,

daledoc1 (not affiliated in any way with MBAM -- just a happy home user)

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