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ERROR CODE: 716(2,0)

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While I double clicked the MBAM Icon on my pc, I got a message telling me that the current database could not be found, and asked me if I wanted to download a new one. I replied NO, and then I got a message giving me the ERROR CODE: 716(2,0). It suggested that I should notify the MBAM team.

I would appreciate yopur help please.


P.S. Last time I posted a message with an ERROR CODE none replied to me. I hope this will not be the case this time. Thanks.

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I got a message telling me that the current database could not be found, and asked me if I wanted to download a new one. I replied NO

I am not sure why you did not want the database corrected .

If you try again and allow the update (likely a few by now) what happens ?

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Hi Bruce,

Thanks for the reply. No reason. I double clicked the MBAM icon to go in and update anyway. It just got me by surpise because all of the times up to now, with the exception of the product version update to 1.31, I always was able to get it and perform the updates from the update screen-tab.

Finally, I did accept the update, and I noticed it downloaded the database from the "0" version to the current "1483". It was like there was no database at all in there. But I had all this time the Protection on, and I performed frequent updates throughout the day. By the way, at the end of the database procedure, I got a quick error mesagge again, but it disappeared very quickly. Now everything seems to be in order.

Why this happened Bruce? Any ideas?



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