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FP on backdoor.bot? - all (~10K) files infected in directory


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A biweekly(ish) MB scan turned up backdoor.bot on all the files in a major directory that I store most things in for ease of backup. This includes approx 13,000 files, several hundred folders and 16 registry keys, plus a dozen registry values. Everything is sitting in quarantine right now and I (obviously) can't access any of it. I'm hoping this is somehow a false positive!

I'm running the latest software (v1.30) and update (db version 1446). Thanks in advance!

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Its a FP but that is a very dangerous place to store anything . MBAM is aggressive against things that cant be legit and from time to time we do hit "creative" custom modifications .

C:\_ is a very bad name for a backup folder both because it is in root and because its name is "_" .

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Its a FP but that is a very dangerous place to store anything . MBAM is aggressive against things that cant be legit and from time to time we do hit "creative" custom modifications .

C:\_ is a very bad name for a backup folder both because it is in root and because its name is "_" .

great - and thanks for the information on naming protocol. This makes sense as I have the identical directory structure at home except that, because there are several users there, my _ directory is found in ...My Documents\_ . Running MB at home did not detect any backdoor.bot instances.

Just to make sure, are the backdoor.bot registry keys and values from this same scan also false positives?


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I would have to see the log .

Looks like I won't have to post the log - removed everything from quarantine, hid .../_ in .../My Documents and ran MB again. Nothing was detected this time around (although I found that I couldn't unquarantine the Registry Keys).

Thanks again.

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