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Is CursorMania a virus/malware?


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My websearch I think, way back, like 5-10 years ago was a notorious virus. Don't remember exactly. But then for some reason mindsparks (cursormania, webefetti, smiley central etc) came along and adopted the same name, or something. Again I don't know the story with mywebsearch, I just remember a few details from the top of my head.

Right now, is mywebsearch, a virus/malware? I know when you scan with malwareantibytes, it does show up as a such. But if I do a search for "Cursors" on google, they don't flag it as dangerous. Also looking at mcafee siteadvisor, and norton website as well.

Would love some clarification on mywebsearch cursormnia, and how dangerous it is when installed.

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