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Hello Eeryone


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Hello. I'm here to see the fight against malware from another perspective.

I just delved into using 'gmer.exe' and now the challenge is how to use it effectively.

Once I get the hang of things in these parts, I hope to be able to contribute.

In the mean time, I look forward to being on the receiving side of what's shared here.

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Howdy there rf6647

Welcome to Malwarebytes Forum

To be able to contribute fully I would advise that you consider enlisting at one of the avaible Malware training shcools that are available, that way you will get proper tuition on how to remove malware correctly and learn how to use the tools needed. Forums such as Malwarebytes only allow trained users to advise on removal in the Hijack this Section. All it takes is a little time and patience during the training period. It is always good to see others eager to learn, I wish you good luck in your quest.


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Welcome to Malwarebytes' Security Forums. Yup, sjb is right, you should enroll yourself in a malware removal training school and learn how to use the various tools. If you're interested, PM me and I'll give you some recommendations. :huh:

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