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questions if it aint broke gotta fix it!!!


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hi gang ! can bmab search+ destroy! coolwww hi jackers ?? spybot keeps failing on this bum.

has any one unstalled xp-sp-3 to install THE RECOVERY CONSOLE reinstal sp-3 with

good results. i'm a little chicken m/s tech. says it will only work this way ONLY!

nobody talks about java--updates are they important??

does system restore allways crash when you need it the most???? opionions

. W H HO WANTS TO BE A GEEEEEK when they GROW UP ? ' the donster.'

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Hi donster and welcome to Malwarebytes. First off I would be hesitant to answer any questions regarding the scanning software you mention because no names you use are for known programs. There are some programs with similar names, some are good some are another infection. When asking software questions for security applications it's very important you use the correct name or the answer maybe wrong.

Java and Adobe Reader updates are very important.

I haven't installed SP3 at all and haven't heard anything about the recovery console and SP3 but having the Recovery Console installed is a very good idea, because as you say, System Restore fails when you need it most.

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