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Happy New Years to the MBAM community! :welcome:

I'm glad to say that MB has been working very well for me this past year since I got the protection for my brothers and myself. As of recently though, the realtime protection seems to be working overtime as it blocks all these outgoing requests from my svchost.exe to these two ranges of IP addresses:



On the one hand, it catches all those outgoing things, but on the other hand, it also blocked my internet access. If I disable the webpage blocking for a second, I can surf the web as I am now to quickly post this, but I'm afraid I would be at risk. Is something broadcasting my information back to its servers?

I've unplugged the ethernet cords on all my computers and shut them down for the time being and I'm just running a laptop from which I can quickly disable and enable the internet to communicate. Wifi does not work as of late (likely related) so it

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Hello anteatereater: :welcome:

Please review following, the very first IP in this rang i.e. belongs to Russian Federation:

IP Information -

IP address:

Reverse DNS: [No reverse DNS entry per ns-pri.ripe.net.]

Reverse DNS authenticity: [unknown]

ASN: 42368

ASN Name: LKS-AS (Lipetskie Kabelnie Seti)

IP range connectivity: 1

Registrar (per ASN): RIPE

Country (per IP registrar): RU [Russian Federation]

Country Currency: RUR [Russia Rubles]

Country IP Range: to

Country fraud profile: High

City (per outside source): Unknown

Country (per outside source): -- []

Private (internal) IP? No

IP address registrar: whois.ripe.net

Known Proxy? No

Link for WHOIS:

Are you using a router to connect to Internet?

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