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Sata 6


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Had some questions about the new Sata 6 technology....Am in the process of getting a new build together. This is the MB I'm going to get:


I'm going to try and stick with mechanical hard drives to try and keep the cost down a little. This is the HD I'm going to put in, actually two of them, no raid, just for extra storage and backup....


Will this Sata 6 combo be a big difference from Sata 3 for speed? It sounds like the Sata 6 drive can't get above Sata 3 speed anyway so am a little confused what the point of these Sata 6 drives are then?? Or is it the MB controller thats causing the issues?

Will a Velociraptor Sata 6 drive be any better to warrant the cost?


This is the only thing I'm stuck on as far as completing my build parts...

Thanks for any help!!

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I can't help with the SATA3/SATA6 question but did notice this article from XBits where INTEL is dropping SSD prices.. by a lot.. It may be of interest to you in your new build.



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SATA III peak throughput of up to 600 MB/s

There is no SATA 6, it is SATA3 with the throughput max of upto 600.

SATA = 150

SATA II = 300

SATA III = 600

I hope I understood your question ok.

You could use a small SSD drive for your System drive and a large sata drive for backup/2nd drive.

good luck with it anyway.

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SATA III peak throughput of up to 600 MB/s

There is no SATA 6, it is SATA3 with the throughput max of upto 600.

SATA = 150

SATA II = 300

SATA III = 600

I hope I understood your question ok.

You could use a small SSD drive for your System drive and a large sata drive for backup/2nd drive.

good luck with it anyway.

Okay, I got it all figured out, looks like thats what I'm going to do.....Came across this new technology today too....


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