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Medical problem

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For Shy the punster :P ...........

A man visits his doctor,

When asked what the problem is he kinda acts embarrassed, shuffles his feet and says nothing. Oh relax says the Doc, i have heard it all and it is my job to deal with unusual problems discreetly.

The man says, well ok Doc, i have kept this secret for years and need to get it off my shoulders. Stated plainly, when i pass wind it goes HONDA! Or sometimes HONNNDDAAA!

The Doctor looks bemused and sceptical so the man makes an effort, breaks wind, and it goes HONDA! The doctor looks surprised and says, i will examine you.

Several procedures (not to be described here) later the Doctor says, well i have found nothing out of the ordinary and can only suggest that you go down the hall and see our Japanese Doctor.

The man visits the Japanese Doctor and once again describes his symptoms. The Doctor examines him also and after a few minutes says confidently, ah yes, you have abscess. The man says, oh! Is that my problem? Yes says the Doctor, everybody know...........abscess make the fart go HONDA!

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For Shy the punster :P ...........

Wayne; You're such a wascally wabbit!! You owe me a new keyboard and a trip through the carwash for my monitor - there's Diet Coke spewed ALL OVER it, them and my desk!!! :D:P:D :D :):D

That one will even get you a LuA1Q.gif and a ZerDc.gif..

Wait one minute; need a picture for the insurance company.. 7rHAa.gif



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