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gigabyte drivers


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Yesterday I updated the drivers for my motherboard (Gigabyte GA-MA790X-DS4), and when I ran Malwarebytes, I received notice that I was infected:

Files Infected:

C:\Program Files\HUADRV.DLL (Spyware.OnlineGames) -> No action taken.

C:\Program Files\MarkFunDrv.dll (Spyware.OnlineGames) -> No action taken.

Both of these are from Gigabyte, so I am assuming that these are false positives?

Am I correct in this assumption?


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Looking around the web it seems that this is detected in a few other cases but all of them also had malware on top of these so this being a FP is not a clear cut case. Please zip and attach a copy of both files to your next post so that I can take a look at them.

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Looking around the web it seems that this is detected in a few other cases but all of them also had malware on top of these so this being a FP is not a clear cut case. Please zip and attach a copy of both files to your next post so that I can take a look at them.

Here's a zip with the 2 drivers. It's disappointing to hear that these drivers have had malware after downloading them from the gigabyte website.

Thanks so much for taking a look at these.

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