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Updating and Testing

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When updating to a newer version:

A shortcut is placed on the Start Menu. This isn't really necessary because the product is already installed and a shortcut already exists. Also, once the newer version is installed, it has to again ask my firewall for permission to access the net for further updates, even though the earlier version had permission. Any chance that you might be able to not create a new shortcut when updating? What about the firewall thing? Is that a quirk of the firewall and not your program?

My system rarely gets infected at all, so although your program appears to work, there's no way for my to actually test it without hunting down and installing some malware or spyware. Is there a "test" file that can be placed on my computer to test the product, without actually infecting my computer?


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Any firewall that does it's job is going to ask for permission of a new version of a program. It has nothing to do with the shortcut. You can also choose during install whether or not to install a shortcut and you can delete the shortcut. If your going to test MBAM any test file will be detected. If you want to see how MBAM has worked on infected machines do a Google search for some key terms: Vundo, Zlob, Winantivirus, malware, and of course MBAM and see what is said. You can even read the Malware Removal - HijackThis Log forum here and see how it works.

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