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Malwarebytes full scan took 10 hours to scan 30 Go ... help !!!

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Malwarebytes is a very great program but i have trouble to finish full scan with the latest updated version...

On a pc under vista with a q6600,asus mb, sata hd ... no problems, full scan took 1,5 hours ... everything is fine ..

On my other old pc ... P4 3.2GghsHT XP PRO asus p4p800 socket 478 DD IDE, norton antivirus, ..., malwarebytes full scan take 10 hours ! for 30 go !!

I have chek all my hardware and all is fine (hd tach; cpu test etc) ...

is it normal for malwarebyte to take this time to scan 30go on older configuration ?

and in any way ! thanx to this wonderfull program who saved me against evil trojans :unsure:)


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MBAM is designed to remove malware as effectively with a quick scan as it will with a full scan. It's hard to say what might have gone on without a log. What drives did you scan? C or what ever your main drive letter is would be all that is really needed to scan. Scanning the DVD/CD drives is pointless.

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Full scan is done only on my c:windows partiton ... my pc is clean (no temp files, no dump, etc ...) ; "c:" have 174 003 files and 12895 folders...

I remark it took long time to scan .jar .rar etc ... all compressed files ... some folders windows are so long too...

at the begining of mbam process it took 50% process and 32 mo ram ... (maybe scan regisrty)

very quickly, it took 00 to 10 % of processor (it stay at 00 when the program scan a new file...it goes to (1 to 7)% then return to 00%) and the scan keep going ... but it is very slow ...

raising process priority don't help ... i raise it to real time , then high ... then when i canceled the operation of scan, mbam stop responding and a windows "windows defender" say me if i want to send c:\windows\drivers\mbamswissarmy.sys to microsoft ...

maybe windows defender cause troubles to do a rapid full scan on a xp sp3 system or maybe it's just a crash because i play with the process priority ...

it's very hard to know why mbam is so slow on this pc ! and maybe it's the normal time to scan 174 000 files ...

thanx to you all :unsure:

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