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MBAM free apparently causing crashes

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I've had two bad experiences after installing MBAM 1.27 free (nonresident) onto my computer (XP/SP3). The first tiime, at startup of Windows XP/SP3, the computer would crash and restart, repeating this one more time before stabilizing on the third startup. My guess was a conflict with Spybot free resident; when I removed MBAM, the problem stopped. Then I replaced Spybot with SuperAntiSpyware Pro and tried MBAM again. This time the computer crashed and restarted continuously during Windows startup. After the fourth or fifth repeat, I restarted into Safe Mode, removed MBAM and cleaned the registry. This time startup went cleanly, and has again several times. All of this is puzzling, since I've read a number of reviewers and users recommend using SAS Pro with MBAM as backup. Any ideas?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've had two bad experiences after installing MBAM 1.27 free (nonresident) onto my computer (XP/SP3). The first tiime, at startup of Windows XP/SP3, the computer would crash and restart, repeating this one more time before stabilizing on the third startup. My guess was a conflict with Spybot free resident; when I removed MBAM, the problem stopped. Then I replaced Spybot with SuperAntiSpyware Pro and tried MBAM again. This time the computer crashed and restarted continuously during Windows startup. After the fourth or fifth repeat, I restarted into Safe Mode, removed MBAM and cleaned the registry. This time startup went cleanly, and has again several times. All of this is puzzling, since I've read a number of reviewers and users recommend using SAS Pro with MBAM as backup. Any ideas?

I came to know about Malwarebytes after searching for www.dufpy. com, which had suddenly appeared as my IE homepage. I found a website that suggested scanning with Malwarebytes. However, even though it found a Rogue.Installer (in a file in c:/users/myname/AppData/LOcal/Temp/,_is7BD9.exe - as the scan continued, my computer suddenly froze. I've never had this laptop freeze before, it's fairly new, so it must have been Malwarebytes. I tried again, with the same result at a certain point during the scan. This time, however, the computer rebooted. I tried running vista in safemode and doing the scan. That gave me several more hits for the Rogue.Installer in program files/installshield installation information/- subdirectories called setup.exe - which are install/uninstall files for several programs, like the flashplayer and macromedia products. But after a while, even in safe mode the computer crashed and rebooted.

I would love to know what's going on. I am running windows vista with servicepack 1, and I am also running AVG Free. Maybe there is some interference there? One other noteable symptom, is that my AVG-copy seems to automatically disable the 'automatic updates' option, regardless of how I try to set it. I will uninstall AVG Free, try Malwarebytes again, and report back.

p.s. I got version 1.28

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I came to know about Malwarebytes after searching for www.dufpy. com, which had suddenly appeared as my IE homepage. I found a website that suggested scanning with Malwarebytes. However, even though it found a Rogue.Installer (in a file in c:/users/myname/AppData/LOcal/Temp/,_is7BD9.exe - as the scan continued, my computer suddenly froze. I've never had this laptop freeze before, it's fairly new, so it must have been Malwarebytes. I tried again, with the same result at a certain point during the scan. This time, however, the computer rebooted. I tried running vista in safemode and doing the scan. That gave me several more hits for the Rogue.Installer in program files/installshield installation information/- subdirectories called setup.exe - which are install/uninstall files for several programs, like the flashplayer and macromedia products. But after a while, even in safe mode the computer crashed and rebooted.

I would love to know what's going on. I am running windows vista with servicepack 1, and I am also running AVG Free. Maybe there is some interference there? One other noteable symptom, is that my AVG-copy seems to automatically disable the 'automatic updates' option, regardless of how I try to set it. I will uninstall AVG Free, try Malwarebytes again, and report back.

p.s. I got version 1.28

Hi read and follow the instructions here then post a log here . It's the infection giving you the problems not MBAM. Someone will be happy to help you.

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