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Help!!! with Antivirus 2008!!

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so about a month ago i got infected with <b>Xp Antivirus</b> and i downloaded malwarebytes and it got rid of everything and my computer ran fine

so today i try to download a program and i get <b>Antivirus 2008</b>. so i figure i will just use malwarebytes to get rid of it again but this time it doesn't get rid of everthing

what it did get rid of:

Antivirus Popping up every time i log in

the background

the shortcut and program of antivirus 2008

What still needs to be fixed;

when i go to google i cant click on links without being re-directed

cant go to malwarebytes.org, or superantispyware.com, so it basically blocks some sites

cant see the C:/ drive

someone please help me fix this problem!!!!

p.s.- i have tried updating malwarebytes then scanning but it still found nothing and i cant download superantispyware because it blocks the site and i cant find an alternative

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When people had AV2009 on their system typically there were several more virii on it. I would remove the hard drive and scan it as a secondary hard drive, just do this by putting Malwarebytes on drive C, and then right click on the infected drive in My Computer. You should see an option to scan with Malwarebytes. Also, make sure you choose a through scan of all files on the system. I'd also scan it with an AV program and maybe some kind of rogue killer app, because AV2009 embeds itself in the registry to restore itself.

so about a month ago i got infected with <b>Xp Antivirus</b> and i downloaded malwarebytes and it got rid of everything and my computer ran fine

so today i try to download a program and i get <b>Antivirus 2008</b>. so i figure i will just use malwarebytes to get rid of it again but this time it doesn't get rid of everthing

what it did get rid of:

Antivirus Popping up every time i log in

the background

the shortcut and program of antivirus 2008

What still needs to be fixed;

when i go to google i cant click on links without being re-directed

cant go to malwarebytes.org, or superantispyware.com, so it basically blocks some sites

cant see the C:/ drive

someone please help me fix this problem!!!!

p.s.- i have tried updating malwarebytes then scanning but it still found nothing and i cant download superantispyware because it blocks the site and i cant find an alternative

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Please do not do as gregatkins has said. There is no need to remove the HD. There is no need to do a full scan. MBAM is designed to work as well using the quick scan. There is a possibility you have more trojans. The infection is not a virus. Please follow the instructions here and start your own topic.

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thank you so much guys i got rid of it

there was a new update today of malwarebytes so i updated it then i scanned it and it got rid of the google and yahoo analitic checks

so then i downloaded superanti spyware and that found some other stuff so now i dont have anything wrong with my computer, everything runs fine, thank you guys so much, this wasn't even my computer thats why i was so scared

but one more question, do you think there are any hidden trojans that malwarebytes and superantispyware picked up that i dont know about, like ones that will steal my identity or something??

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