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Vundo File Being missed by Malwarebytes

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rmupnyle.dll located in C:\WINDOWS\system32 is being missed by Malware Bytes 1.25 Def. 1069 on a quick scan, VundoFix v7.0.6 Picked it up. Is there any other info you need on making sure this is picked up on a quick scan? It did get rid of everything else though. ;)


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Jean , on these have them zip and attach so it does not get into the main pile , I can process way faster here .

Those defs are a little old (2 versions) , I might have added it in within those two .

Try again with current defs and if still missed , zip and attach here , Ill get right on it .

One thing to keep in mind , if a vundo infection is not live/real (just a file sitting in system32 , not in memory and no load point) half of our weapons are bypassed . If this where the case the dll would be dead as it would have no ability to enter memory .

If this is from a live infection I need to know the load point as well , a reg export would be even better .

Thanks. .

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