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logiflt false positive ?

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Hello all,

I am new on this forum, so sorry of this 1st post is misplaced.

I am using Malwarebytes's Antimalware 1.23 since a few weeks, and doing regularly some

scans. Usually with no infection detected.

However, several times I had this detection, looking like :

Rootkit.Agent C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\logiflt.iad 48581

This happens during the last period of the scan, the one with the "heuristic" phase.

So I am induced to believe this could be a false positive.

What is the MBAM expert's advice ?

What looks curious to me is that this file logifld.iad has 0 bytes in size ...

How such a 0 bytes file can be detected has malware ? Can you tell me if this file a regular Microsoft file,

and what it is used for ?

(If I put this file in the chest, then it comes back again some time later on).

Thanks in advance for any info about this situation.

(Edited later) . I forgot to tell that this seems to occur since my upgrade to SP3


Many thanks for the info, so I tried today to follow them.

First I have re-installed Spybot&Destroy, a made a run. I removed the detections, thy where all

"tracking cookies" (from Advira, DoubleClick, MediaPlex)

Here follow some logs :

- first MBAM log : (the one which produced the error)

Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware 1.23

Version de la base de donn



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