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Quarantine - instead of Remove - possible ?

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Just did a scan and it found a trojan, something to do with winsxs and a backup thing

Clicked to remove, and MalwareBytes said puter had to be restarted to complete the removal

However, before removing, would be great to move such file to Quarantine instead

Any way to do this?

Can't find the suspect file in an log or quarantine or anywhere

Where is it?


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Hello scanreg, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org ;)

Actually, when an item is removed, it does go into Quarantine (even though it says its being removed), so no worries :)

As a side note, when replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button at the bottom of the page. Thank you :)

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You are very welcome!!!

Add Reply does not pertain to creating a new thread, no ;)

If you think you may have a False Positive on board, please read this:


And then post here:


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Well uh, what was found? Can you show me the piece from the log? It may be that its something that doesn't necessitate being backed up by getting saved into quarantine.

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