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rogue antivirus 2008

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Hello cl29, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org ;)

When an item is put into quarantine, it is rendered dead and it can no longer harm your system, so yes, Malwarebytes has taken care of this for you :D

Did you perform another scan afterwards (I recommend using a QUICK scan in the future) that came out clean?

As a side note, please use the "ADD REPLY" button at the bottom of the page when replying.

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Thank you very much! No I haven't run another scan yet, but I will. I was researching this antivirus last night and found some software to remove this virus (speedy pc) but wasn't sure if I needed to. If malwarebytes removed it from my system, that's GREAT! Thank you for your help!

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You are quite welcome ;)

If Malwarebytes asked you to re-boot after the scan, did you do so as soon as you were able to? This is very important.

Yes, run another scan and let me know if it comes out clean or not.

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Alrighty :D

It will ask you to reboot (same thing as restart) if you need to reboot.

That's fine, no hurries or worries on getting back to me, just do so whenever you have some time. I'm on frequently so whenever you have a chance to do this is just fine!

You're very welcome! ;)

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I'm glad to hear that you're clean ;)

Just so you know, if you DID still have something left on there, you shouldn't download other software randomly... Mbam was definitely the right product to go with, and if you were still infected after that, we offer FREE removal help here with guidance from an expert helper :D

What AntiVirus are you using by the way? :D

You are very welcome!! Happy surfing and just post if you need anything else!

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Ah. I do have one or two other FREE AV suggestions for you, if you'd like to switch, and I'll tell you why.

I used to use AVG too but I found after hanging around this forum long enough that its not the best free (or paid, I've used both free and mostly recently, the paid AVG) AV out there and that there are better ones. I myself have been using a paid AV version for a year now (my preference) but there are a couple other great FREE anti-virus's out there, and if you are interested, I can provide you with the link and info pages on the choices and a clean-up tool for removing remnants of AVG after removing it the regular way, if you like.

What do you use the computer for mostly, if I may ask?

You're welcome! I'm more than happy to help out when I am able to ;)

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Any advise you can offer would be great! As for what I use the computer for, mostly checking e-mail, a little "surfing". My wife uses it for on-line college. We Don't do a lot of internet stuff though. This is the first computer that we have owned! lol.

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Ah, okay ;)

Firstly, what Operating System are you running? 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7?

And what other security software (other than Mbam and AVG), if any, are you using?

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Alrighty, cool. Do you have your UAC on? ;)

One more thing before I give you my suggestions,

Are you looking for only a free version of an Anti-Virus?

Reason I am asking is because I have a "canned" reply including trials to some paid AV's, but if you aren't interested or aren't able to get a paid AV, I'll just give you my free suggestions :D

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Not sure what you mean by UAC. As for av, I can do either. I was told that the free stuff should be good for what we use it for so that's what I installed.(as you can tell, I DON'T know much about computers other than they can be real frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Any suggestion by someone much more knowledgable than I would be GREAT!

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User Account Control ;) When trying to update something (other than your AV) such as Adobe Reader, or trying to open something that needs Administrative permissions (such as a .exe file) a prompt will come up asking for your permission to continue. It's an EXCELLENT security feature in Vista and up.


Here is their homepage: http://www.avira.com/en/solutions/home_home_office.html

MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials), provided by Microsoft.

Here is the info page: http://www.microsoft.com/Security_Essentials/


http://www.avast.com/index that is free as well, although some users have been reporting issues between its newest version and Malwarebytes, although this should be fixed now.

Take a look at the different pages, and I can provide you with the download link for whatever you choose, as well as instructions on how to properly remove AVG and then install your new AV :D

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Oh, I see! Yes I do have my UAC on. Am I correct in that MSE is what I should replace my Windows Defender with, or is that a antivirus software? I will check out the links you proviced me with, and yes, if I change av software, your help in removing AVG from my system will be greatly appreciated! I would like to say, you've been a GREAT help! Thank you very much. Look forward to "chating" with you again.

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Awesome, I'm glad that you have the UAC on ;)

MSE is an antimalware and antivirus program (but can be used with Mbam of course) and IF used will replace or at least disable Windows Defender, yes. If you choose to go with MSE, it will disable Windows Defender as far as I know, and you should only use ONE antivirus at a time, as more than one running at a time can cause conflicts and even lower your security protection!

Also, when you changed from Norton to AVG, did you uninstall Norton first? If so, did you use the cleanup tool? If you did not, I can link you to that. You should run that even if you don't switch from AVG, just to make sure that you are clear of any remnants :D Prior to doing this, make sure that no other Norton or Symantec anti-virus or LiveUpdate products are installed on your computer.

You are very welcome! :D

Again, let me know if you want to change AV's, let me know which one, I will give you the download link and AVG removal tool and instructions.

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I don't remember if I used a clean up tool to remove Norton from my system. I do know that if I click on the start buttton and go into programs, I find a promt for Norton. If I click on it, it tells me that it is empty. So, not sure if there are any remnants of Norton left or not.

As far as my AV, I will check out the ones you told me about and let you know. Btw, how do I get in touch with you in the future for any of this?

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Oh, okay. Well, there's probably some remnants in the registry and such at least from Norton, even if its uninstalled, unless the removal tool was used.

Alright, cool.

You can reply in this thread to let me know what you decide (and again, no hurries of course, I'm on here frequently, usually daily but sometimes I take a "break", hehe) or you can send me a Private Message and we can start a new thread in the

PC Help forum where we can continue this ;) (which would probably actually be more appropriate since we are no longer discussing Malwarebytes itself).

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Awesome :D

Oh, sorry. hehe. Just click the "Private Message" link in blue I gave you. It will take you right to where you can send me a message. (I made it easy for you ;))

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