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Won't allow me to upload files (pictures, music files, documents)


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I don't know if it's McAfee or

the Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware that were recently installed on my computer, but I'm having great difficulty uploading pictures from my computer either onto Facebook or Photobucket. I also tried uploading a music file to create a ringtone for myself, but it seems like something's not letting the internet access any of my files. I've looked around at both programs and can't figure out if it's a setting that needs to be changed or what. After an attempt to upload, the site will say something like there was a problem uploading and to try again.

Also, my Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) have been EXTREMELY slow when trying to open, and if I ever save a file and try to open it again, I get an error message saying it is unable to read that certain file.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

- Erin

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Hello Erin, and welcome to the forums here at Malwarebytes.org :blush:

First of all for the Photobucket and Facebook uploading issues, do you have Java installed? If you aren't sure, check your Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. If running Vista/7, its Programs and Features.

When replying, please use the "ADD REPLY" button at the bottom of the page. Thank you :)

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You're welcome :blush:

What version of Java? You want to be up to date. Currently Version 6 update 18 is the most current, but for security purposes you want at least Version 6, update 17 installed. update 18 is a stability update.

What stuff are you talking about that you installed?

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Pretty sure it's the latest version. I'm able to do a bunch of video chat sessions for my online class and stuff, and there's no problem with that.

And by stuff that was installed, I mean Malwarebytes' anti-malware software and McAfee's Anti-Virus software. I had a bunch of viruses on my computer last Thursday/Friday and the I called the people at DELL, and they went in and removed them all. Now I'm afraid that the virus might have affected my Microsoft Office (though I could just try reinstalling, but I don't want to do that yet since I only have one installation left on the CD), and now it's like my computer's on lockdown, not letting me upload anything.

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Ahh. The viruses and malware may have affected something in your computer. Are you having problems with just uploading and opening OFFICE files?

Is the McAfee paid for or is it free from your ISP or? Just curious about that because I have some other recommendations for you, but if you've paid for a license that's good for a while yet, no need to waste it unless you're still able to get a refund.

And latest version of what, Malwarebytes? Your post is just a bit confusing.

Do you know what the name(s) of the malware are? You may just need to visit the HJT forum.

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I'm having two probles:

1) I try to upload a picture from my computer to Facebook or Photobucket and the browser tells me that there was a problem uploading and to try again. I've also tried uploading a music file to myxer.com to create a ringtone for myself, and the same response was given to me.

2) My Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) are very slow in opening. I can open files that are already on the internet (say my professor put them up), but if I save them to my computer or make my own document and save it and then try to open it, it says that it is unable to read the file.

Notepad, however, works. I know it's not part of Microsoft Office. I'm just putting it out there.

I downloaded McAfee free from the site. I downloaded it last Thursday after the first attempt to rid my computer of any viruses.

The Dell tech installed Malwarebytes to my computer, and that's how I think he got rid of all the hidden viruses.

And when I said latest, I meant the latest version of Java. Sorry.

The names of the malware? Like the viruses that were on my computer?

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Hmm. Sounds like there was some damage to your computer from the malware. Everything worked fine before this happened, correct?

Before I send you along to the malware removal forum, (since I think you may still be infected, if it turns out that you are not, I'll see if someone else can help you with your Word and other Office documents, unfortunately I don't know how to repair that, but I can look around and see if I can figure it out).

Yes, do you know any of the names of the malware that was removed?

Did you have an Anti-Virus program on your computer prior to this?

As for McAfee, it can often cause system slowdowns since its pretty bloated. If its free, then you have no money to worry about having invested to it, and I have some recommendations for you that would be much better :blush:

What operating system are you running? XP, Vista, 7, or Windows 2000?

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Also Erin, what version of Word (or rather Office really) are you using? And what exactly is the error message, and is there any error number, that you are getting that tells you that you are unable to read the file that you have created?

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Yes, everything worked fine before the virus hit.

As far as malware, I only remember seeing a bunch of Trojan names. I had Norton Anti-virus prior to this, but it was out of date, and the DELL guy ended up uninstalling it since I had McAfee on there.

I'm running on Windows Vista, and I'm currently using Microsoft Office 2007.

When I try to open a document, it gives me this message, with FILENAME being whatever file I want and where it's located on my computer-- or where I thought it was...

"Windows cannot find 'FILENAME'. Make sure you typed the name correctly and try again."

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Also something to note is that I was typing up a document and planned to print it in the morning. Instead of saving it, I let Word auto-save it like when the program suddenly crashes or whatever. And in the morning, despite it taking awhile, my document was able to be opened.

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I think that you may still be infected, although that may not necessarily be why you're having these issues, but, it would be best to make sure that your system is clean first ;).

Please do the following and then we can work on this afterwards :D I'm glad that you were able to open your document though, that's good!

Please read and follow the directions here, skipping any steps you are unable to complete. Then post a NEW topic here.

One of the expert helpers there will give you one-on-one assistance when one becomes available.

Please note that it may take 48 hours or more for you to receive a response in the malware removal forum, as it is often busy at times. Please do not reply to your own post asking for help unless its been more than 48 hours since you originally posted, as this can make it appear as though you are being helped and take longer for you to get help.

If you are unable to do all or any of the steps in the link to the directions above, just post your problem into the forum I gave you a link to anyway and someone will be able to assist you.

Thank you :D

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