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Malwarebytes link and IP protection problems

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I recently installed Malware bytes as my PC as it was infected with malware.Trojans and worms .The program found and eliminated these threats,but since then I have noticed quite a few links when Googling dont work if I switch Malware bytes off then the links work ok,if I copy and paste the actual web address instead of clicking on the link this works ok.Quite often I have to switch off IP protection as it seems to come up on a lot of legitimate sites .On the whole the program is great apart from these two niggling points.Has anybody had similar problems?

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Hello handyman and welcome to Malwarebytes,

Can you provide a little more information? When you say, "the links don't work when clicking on them in google", what do you mean exactly? Does your browser not open the links or are you redirected to other websites? Can you post some of the IPs you mentioned that Malwarebytes' is blocking? If you're on XP, the logs can typically be found in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\logs\



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Hello handyman and welcome to Malwarebytes,

Can you provide a little more information? When you say, "the links don't work when clicking on them in google", what do you mean exactly? Does your browser not open the links or are you redirected to other websites? Can you post some of the IPs you mentioned that Malwarebytes' is blocking? If you're on XP, the logs can typically be found in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware\logs\



Thanks for the reply.When in google clicking on the main heading the link opens (which is very long) and then nothing for a few seconds then message "Opps this link appears to be broken"the link is usually prefixed by "ppc xml net"The browser I am using is Firefox.Turning off Malware bytes cures the problem.I installed a different spyware program which found a browser cooky ATDMT.COM could this be causing a problem? and if so why did not Malwarebytes find it.Some of the IP that have been blocked are -: 95.322.87.179

Hope you can help!

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Hello again handyman,

Never seen that error before, does this happen in IE as well? Just for clarification, MBAM does not scan for tracing cookies and things of that nature; it goes for the nastier, more difficult to find and remove malware. A program like SUPERAnti-Spyware is good for tracing cookies, etc. I checked the first 3 of IPs you posted and all 3 are either malicious IPs or on subnet ranges where either exploits exist or malware is being distributed. According to hpHosts, which is a custom HOSTS file put together by MysteryFCM of Malwarebytes, those IPs are malicious and I would assume they would also be blocked by Malwarebytes' IP Protection as well.



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