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Malware found stuff

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MWB found alot of adware and I wanted to make sure i am clean.

I use avast, adaware, mwb, cleanup!, glaryutilities, auslogics boost speed, startuplite, peerblock and...

safari/chrome/ie7 browsers, mostly safari/chrome lately, rarely use IE7.

Also have hijack this d/led in case we need it.

Thanks in advance :)

AMD 64x2 3800+ Dual core 2.00Ghz


Vista 32bit home ed

DDS (Ver_09-12-01.01) - NTFSx86

Run by Owner at 17:16:50.78 on Sun 12/27/2009

Internet Explorer: 7.0.6002.18005



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Sorry about posting right after i started the thread, but i thought it would be wise to mention that as soon as I posted this topic, I shut down my browser, and I recieved the BLUE screen saying that "Windows was shut down to prevent damage to your computer" or something along those lines. There was much more but i didnt have time to read it.

Now I am really worried, as I have never seen this b4 on my PC...

Hopefully you folks have some insight and/or guidance cuase right now, im stressing!

Ok, no more posts until a reply, just thought that may have some bearing on what you may want to do next.



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